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Small Hairtail


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Went out last Thursday and Friday night fishing for Hairies at Jerusalem. Caught about 6 on Thursday night but they were only 1.1m and 1.2m. Don't like to keep any under about 1.4m as they do have a few bones.

Friday night no hairtail but lots of phosphuros so not sure if this scares them. It was quite warm out there so maybe still a bit early but I had no choice nut to go when I did.

Lots of bait fish including lots of garfish, never seen so many in the water.

Also caught a couple of flathead 50cm, snapper 38cm, a small jew and a squid.

So not too bad for this time of year I suppose. May try again in August otherwise next year will be able to fish at the right time.

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We got squid near Flint & Steel. But there was a couple in Jerusalm that followed our baits but would not get onto a squid jig.

I am not a big fish eater but I like Hairtail and all the people I give them to like the taste but last year a couple said too many bones. That is why I will only keep bigger ones in future.

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Was fishing the mouth of the Maclay River 2 weeks ago for Blackfish and just under the float was a Hairtail swimming backward and forward trying to get its way back to the sea. Must have got lost. Strange, I have never seen them there before and have fished this spot for 40 years or more.

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I think on the Friday night we went to bed too early as a mate of mine was there the weekend before and said that there were small ones around early then nothing until a few hours later and bigger ones came in and they did a couple of laps.

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