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Hawks nest fishing locations?


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Hi Raiders. I'm heading up to port Stephens in 2 weeks for a family holiday. This will mostly be family R&R but it would be criminal not to squeeze a fish or two in :)

I'll be fishing with my 12 year old daughter so am looking for advice on easy access land based ( not taking the boat :( ) locations (hopefully close to "facilities") also target species ( edible hopefully) Best tide time and bait advice. ( not looking for much am I !? )

Thanks in advance.

... Steve

Edited by NaClH2OK9
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Hopefully I have caught you in time mate. My family holidays in Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest regularly. Great spot.

Any way wharf at Tea Gardens for Blackfish. Boat ramp at Hawks Nest near motel for bream, flathead, and monster rays.

Break wall near Winda Woppa for good bream.

Jimmys Beach is good for whiting and also throwing lures for flathead (great place to practice your baitcaster technique)

Main beach (Bennets) is good for salmon, tailor, bream, dart, flathead, sharks at night, and jewfish

Hope that helps


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not so hot. It's was pretty windy early week but had a go south end of jimmy and winda woppa Wednesday arvo. 3 rods to different distances. Prawn. Pillies. Chicken gut. Salted blues and plastics. 4 hours with my daughter for one bite.

Tried the following day at the nature reserve winda woppa. Boat ramp. Bridge and warf at tea gardens. Not a sniff. Tried 30 mins on South bennett beach to finish but the current was Soooo strong just couldn't hold bottom ( we had only taken 2 rods down and my daughter had lost interest so didn't want to go back to the car to Re rig)

Met a local the following day. Who said things were very quiet. Whiting had been gone a month and snapper not in yet.

Was advised the best option would have been very north of jimmy or very south bennett off the rocks. With mullet or Prawn for bream.

It's a beautiful place but perhaps not the best time of year for a non local to be fishing there.

... Steve

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