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Hungry hungry Trevally


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Hi Raiders

Went out for a fish today as the conditions were forecast to be pretty good.

Launched the boat 530am and started squiding around rose bay wharf

Unfortunately no squid around ( I think the more likely explanation is that I'm pretty bad at squiding!!! )

After failing on the squid I decided to try for some yakas, I pulled up at rose bay wharf and within half an hour the livey tank was full.

The plan was to fish for kings at long reef and off quarantine point. The water was pretty smooth so it didn't take long to get there, tried live bait, squid strips ( I bought some last night knowing I would fail at rose bay!!) unfortunately no takers though I did see a couple of fellas bring in some rats.

To cut a long story short I had a real fail day with nothing to take home after moving to five spots that normally produce :(

On the way back to the boat ramp I threw out the Rapalas in the hope of hooking a salmon or tailor, after 5 minutes I got a hit !!!! Started bringing in the lure and I felt some tugs but nothing to put my hopes up for a sambo.

It turned out to be a 25cm Trevally had a go at my Magnum 30 XRap ! It's almost two thirds his size !!! I took the picture below and then threw him back to fight another day.

All in all was still a lot of fun on the water, plenty of whales and dolphins about.

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