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Stockton Breakwall


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G'day Raiders,

I took the family and a mate to Stockton Breakwall yesterday and what a glorious day it was. Absolutely perfect weather, 21 degrees and hardly a breath of wind, it was the kind of day you wish could last forever.

There was 5 of us all up and with me being the only one can tie leader knots it makes for a pretty big day for me between preparation, re rigging lines etc but it's all worth it to see everyone have such a good day.

When I go to the breakwall, I prepare for everything because it can throw so many different species at you and I want to be a chance at everything. Lucky I did because the fish turned it on, Tailor, Salmon, Bream, Jackets, Trevally, Sharks, and Tarwhine.

The Tailor were on fire all day at the end of the wall with metals taking most fish. There were no real monsters, I lost a 50+cm greenback at the rocks but most were choppers between 35-40cm and with a fish every cast at one stage, it was great fun. The fish were deep, nearly on the bottom.

In between the Tailor we got a few big Salmon on metals, one was as big as I've seen and had a huge shark bite out of it that was healing, they're tough buggers and tough fighters too.

My young bloke was catching yakkas for me and he also got a few nice legal Bream and a heap of small Trevally between 20-25cm on peeled prawns so he had a ball.

We only got one run on a livie which turned out to be a giant eel, sadly. No Jew but the other fish made up for it.

There was a huge school of fish that were spawning, you could see them releasing their orange eggs everywhere. I couldn't make out what they were but they looked like Blackfish or Bream in shape, I left then alone to do their thing.

There was also Frigates or Mac Tuna busting up right before dark but I couldn't match the hatch and they only hung around for half an hour. I tried a variety of lures to no avail.

Any Tailor that bled out were quickly dispatched and kept for the table. Countless fish were released.

All in all it was an awesome day and everyone caught heaps.












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Wow mate sounds like an awesome day. Did you put on any of those legal tailor as livebait??

I didn't actually mate because the young bloke was pulling in yakkas one after another. In hindsight I probably should have tried one considering we didn't land one Tailor that was undersize.

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