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Fishing in the wind


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Hi Raiders,

After a recent post I became aware that others may have a different opinion to me on what constitutes enough wind to turn you off fishing.

Whats your "No Fish" wind conditions? I guess it depends on a few factors but I would be interested to compare.



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I tried yesterday at Clifton gardens figuring it was somewhat sheltered, and as it was the wind was to my back which resulted in some fairly long casts with the right lures.

Unfortunately as I was mostly using light SPs I could really only go in one direction, so it was difficult to cover ground or target any specific areas because any lateral attempts took off with the wind straight out in front of me anyway.

Not sure if the conditions put the fish off but I didn't get a touch. I saw some yakkas about and there was possibly some salmon stirring up a few baits but nothing significant.

I have fished off the beach and had an easterly start up which was near impossible to cast into - that was a time to go home signal.

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Once me and sydfisher went to Clifton gardens wharf and it was blowing about 30knots

I set a unweighted half pilchard and the wind definitely didn't put the big trevally off

After about a 5min fight, in the net and on the wharf is a 51cm trevally

Don't let the wind stop you from fishing unless it can get dangerous

Checked seabreeze later that night and it was 31knot winds that day

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Edited by thefisherman6784
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I know from personal experience it doesn't put the fish off, in some cases brings them on the bite especially bigger snapper, but it's a comfort thing for me, sometimes it gets too annoying casting in the wind and it's harder to feel for bites.

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Casting into a strong wind is like pissing into the wind :074:

Depending where you are fishing, the wind can help casting.

Fishing in Port Hacking, I will fish a certain location if the wind will assist me in casting, as sometimes I like to lob out a bait a fair way from the boat. I usually try to fit my fishing at a location with the wind direction and tide.

I prefer the early mornings these days, when the wind is lighter, though in my younger days, a southerly just on sundown would bring on the jewies (and send most other fisherman home)

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Once me and sydfisher went to Clifton gardens wharf and it was blowing about 30knots

I set a unweighted half pilchard and the wind definitely didn't put the big trevally off

After about a 5min fight, in the net and on the wharf is a 51cm trevally

Don't let the wind stop you from fishing unless it can get dangerous

Checked seabreeze later that night and it was 31knot winds that day

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I think if I had some bait with me I would have rather switched to that and kept on going. The plan was to try and get some live squid or yakkas and set them out but I could't get hold of either. As it was using lures it was just plain frustrating and the combination of wind playing havoc with my line and fading light making it impossible to see my line I figured I was as good as pissing in the wind.

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I think if I had some bait with me I would have rather switched to that and kept on going. The plan was to try and get some live squid or yakkas and set them out but I could't get hold of either. As it was using lures it was just plain frustrating and the combination of wind playing havoc with my line and fading light making it impossible to see my line I figured I was as good as pissing in the wind.

I know what u mean. I went to Walsh bay with syd 2 times in a row without bait but fortunately there r a lot of squid there so we got three which lead to getting a yakka and putting it out for a jewwie to no avail

Frustrating but can be worth it

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I know from personal experience it doesn't put the fish off, in some cases brings them on the bite especially bigger snapper, but it's a comfort thing for me, sometimes it gets too annoying casting in the wind and it's harder to feel for bites.

Yeah for me its comfort too. When it starts getting above 10 knots in an open area things start getting more difficult and unpleasant. I'm there to enjoy myself and when the wind picks up I don't.

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Yeah for me its comfort too. When it starts getting above 10 knots in an open area things start getting more difficult and unpleasant. I'm there to enjoy myself and when the wind picks up I don't.

In my boat if the wind is a little strong I put on the clears so in anything but the strongest current the wind tends to push the boat away from the anchor.

This means that when I am sitting in the front of the boat looking out over my lines I am in almost complete shelter.

If the fishing is good I don't notice even if I am standing in the wind.

In general though I am with you and I would tend to fish in a more sheltered area.

Last Friday the wind was about 20 knots from the north west at 4am and over in Rose Bay it was very unpleasant so I just moved over to Clifton Gardens to catch live bait and it was calm as can be.

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