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Middle harbour 27/6


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Hi all went out to middle harbour yesterday evening after school as it was my last day and dad had the day off. Got there at around 7ish and was no wind what so ever even know it said it was going to be 10 knit winds. Caught about ten yakkas at where we slept on the boat and a few tailor. Next morning got to our spot were we have done well lately. Got there and was no wind and burleyed a lot and fish were there within a minute. Got about 8 trevally then went all quite and saw pretty big leatherjacket in the trail. Ended up getting 6 and kept 4 for the table as we don't keep that many. Then started to caught little snapper and ended up leaving by 11. All in good day fishing the weather was better than was predicted and the water was 16 degrees.

Thanks for reading

Cheers Ethan

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