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Narrabeen Beach 4/9


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G'day folks.

Dawn start just north of Emerald St at Narrabeen saw overcast skies and persistent drizzle. High tide at about 08:30 am, low light conditions, should be ideal for a sambo or two I thought. Found a nice gutter and berleyed up with bits of pilchard and stuck a bait out. Nothing. Moved further south to another gutter, nothing. Even the terns were sitting on the beach, doing a fly past every now and then and not even bothering to dive. Gave it away at about 09:30.

Haven't been so cold since a pike fishing episode in Pommyland in freezing fog - when the fog lifted I found my bait had been sitting on ice on the top of the lake...

Anyway, I hope you guys have better luck than I did.



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Bad luck Niel. The Northern Beaches have been very average lately. My best sambo session occured about 2 months ago, but my last couple of sessions have been absolute duds.

I have tried different tides, locations, moons etc, but made no difference. My diary of this time last year had me hooking good numbers of salmon and tailor off Narrabeen.

Let's hope for a late run of fish..

It's even more frustrating after reading great reports of acres of salmon schools running riot off the beaches at Forster and Hawks Nest.. :ranting2:


Spizza :thumbup:

Ps/ Emerald Street always holds a nice gutters. Picked up most of my best sambo action there last year.

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