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Dont you hate it when..


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There is another boat around that likes to follow your every move because he sees you catching fish?!


It happened last weekend on out of the hacking.

The whole of the bay is open, no one in sight and what do you know, a boat comes out and motors straight for where i have been burlying for the last hour and has a go 15 meters from my boat. He is hanging around with the whole of bate bay available...

Anyways, im thinking "maybe this is this guys spot, ill move on and try elsewhere.. "

What do you know, i start a drift and hook a couple of fish (mind you about a kilometer away) and this bloke seems to turn up again, 15-20 m away from me and starts a drift of his own...

I mean, if he turned up with the boat and had a couple of words, asked hows the fish etc i wouldn't mind him hanging around, but he just turns up and pretends your not even there. :chair:

Im not going to describe the boat (it was quite individual/identifiable) but if you are out there (that is anyone fishing anywhere) and you need a few tips or want to know if there's any action, please be respectful and friendly and at least strike up a conversation, ask if its ok if you join in etc because i really would not have minded it that much if only the bloke didn't pretend like i wasn't even there.

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I think some people dont know where to fish so they go to where other people are fishing. It is very frustrating if you have been berleying for reds on anchor for a while and they drive close to you through your berley trail, I usually tell the where to go and they take off.

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Just to play Devils advocate. We're you burleying up on a significant mark. Was it possible he was just hitting significant structure?

Also at 45-60 feet he would have to be yelling for you to hear him.

I'm not trying to excuse bad manners on the water and although I'm no youngster am pretty new to boat fishing.

I've tried saying hello to other fishos when out but find it doesn't work because you would have to be so close to talk you would be in thier space.

I was out on Sunday in bate Bay Sunday and found the place mostly deserted except for Osborne. Marries and the hole off green hills ( all marks I had planned the night before ( sorry if I've got the names mis typed) ) .

I'm not experienced so went for marks I found on the Internet I could put in my GPS?

Was this possibly just bad luck?

Edited by NaClH2OK9
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Yes, there can be some frustrating things about other boats.

I fish early so I am usually first to my preferred spot but if I do turn up and there is somebody there already I give them at least 30 meters.

My most frustrating situations are where I am close to the shore and clearly standing and fishing towards the shore and someone comes in between me and the rocks.

I guess people need to learn somewhere and posts like this may help in the boat etiquette department.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Happened to me at the social, last year I was by myself, this year I had this tool do donuts around my boat then he proceeded to anchor so his rods hit my binimi. Bloody stewy the carp fisherman! Then there were the other 998 boats within a 100m radius!

But you know what, they were all fishraiders...catching fish, talking, sledging and having a great time. So all good.

But yes I do understand what you mean. We have a gps mark up here called the carpark and for a very good reason!

Chin up mate, as long it doesn't happen every time you go out!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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If you are anchored and they want to have a chat they should approach from the bow of your boat better than comming up the back where the berley is going, but this can still spook fish. Most of the reefs have numerous areas to fish.

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Exactly reddy, I was burlying for reds and guess what, the bites shut down didnt they. This was not at a significant spot, its not a known gps mark or anything like that. The spot was not special in any way just the correct depth and structure for reds (which can be found on numerous places around merries/osborne/shark reef/jibbon bommy etc).

Same with the drift, nowhere special.

As for a conversation, a simple wave or a nod would do, i mean, he didnt want to make eye contact this guy so obviously he knew that he wasn't exactly being respectful of the other fisherman (myself)

I was out at bate bay on sunrise on sunday as well but the wind frustrated the hell out of me (it certainly was NOT 10-15 knot winds in the morning).

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If it's a well know spot by most anglers not like in the middle of know where or somebody special mark e.g long reef, jersuleam bay the peak 12 mile Juno point and so on I can understand somebody within 5m of you but if you've been burleying all morning and about 50m away you have the same chances of catching the same fish well fish 50m away or if your going to fish close to somebody the least you can do is say g'day and if somebody is burleying and it's clear that there doing so don't anchor in the burley trail anchor up from it

Most fisherman are happy to share general information (not saying you should give away your secrete jewie spot) about a area if your nice and friendly to them most likely they'll be friendly back and it works in every body's favour

Cheers sydneyfisher12

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