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Why is my salmon green?


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Hi all. Just gutted a nice salmon. Fiat cut and I punctured an organ of some sort. Then lottttssss of very green fluid appeared. I washed it off but the skin/meat is a little stained. my question is, is it wise to eat the fish?

Cheers guys

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No... If your gut is telling you no and your eyes are telling you there is green stuff all over your fish then i wouldn't! Sounds like it could have been infected and you hit a big pus ball? Even google didn't have an answer which means it cant be common! Where was the green coming from?

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Yer. Cheers for the input. I just cut the gut cavity as per normal, and just before the pectoral fins all the green appeared. I have no explanation. It was of a similar consistency to water, but a real vibrant green colour. All good I got rid of it, and now the tailor are here, in serious numbers. Yay

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