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Land based - Bellambi Rocks PB Piggy


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Came home from work and assessed the weather, conditions were not ideal but decided to head out anyways! Got down to the rocks and found a nice cunji bed and went to town on it. As I was cutting it up into bite size chunks the rain came bucketing down and wind started blowing but didn't let it get me down and decided to battle on. Found a nice little rock platform and ended up with a snag on my first cast but still didn't get me down. After lots of bites, more snags and afew pesky rock cods I decided to change spots and moved to a different platform that had plenty of wash. Berlied up with a hand full of bread and flung some more cunji out, felt a good bite then BANG I was on! Knew it was big as the line peeled off the reel. Music to my ears! After a few decent runs my heart was pounding knowing I was only using 9lb mono I would have been gutted if I had gotten busted off. I thought it would have to be a decent groper before landing it on a bed of cunji to discover this monster pig!! Ended up going 55cm blowing my old PB out of the water, literally. After that I called it quits and headed home grinning from ear to ear :]



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