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A trip out on the "Ella Sophia"


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I was just packing up the car to head off bass fishing when I got a phone call - "Snatcher do you fancy a trip out in the bay,I am launching in about an hour" ? The boat fishing trip won the day as I had never fished with Steve before and was looking forward to fishing on his boat the ELLA SOPHIA.

Steve had built this boat himself and it was a very impressive looking aluminium catamaran. Check out these photos of it.




We launched off Drummore beach and headed off about a mile into Luce Bay looking to catch fresh mackerel for bait. Within a short space of time we had enough fish to last the session. They were a good size too.


This was to be a catch and release species hunt so with this in mind we headed a few miles north up the bay. Note the Mull of Galloway in the background - Scotlands most southerly point.


At times Luce Bay can prove to be dogfish city and today was no exception !!! Here is a picture of me with my first and probably the smallest dogfish of the day.


We were hoping to catch rays on the baited rods and at the same time had some small baited lures over the side with gurnards in mind. Steve proved to be the main man with firstly a thornback followed by two grey gurnards and then a nice tub gurnard.


On every other cast on the mackerel baited rods we were picking up LSD's and on the small baited lures small whiting were proving to be a pest. All I was able to catch was dogfish and whiting and also the occasional mackerel but my luck changed towards the end of the session. I had at last something weighty on the end and on fairly light gear had to bring it in very carefully. It proved to be a thornback ray which Steve estimated at about 8lbs. After a quick picture it was carefully returned to fight another day..

Steves boat had proved to be a very stable fishing platform and I had certainly enjoyed this unexpected trip out with him. We had both fished from being nippers so had plenty of tales to recount to each other.

Thanks for a great day out skipper.

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Hi there John, mate speaking from experience Thornback ray is really tasty, is there a reason why you dont keep them for the table

No reason at all mate. I just tend to do catch and release with all of my fish. I will keep a few mackerel and the odd sea bass though :sun:


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Thorn backs produce and irritant in the skin, so you do have to be carefull preparing them :) Good session mate.

You also have to be very careful handling them !!!!! Even more dangerous are their larger cousins the common skate.


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