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Tuross Luderick new PB

Luderick Hunter

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Fished Tuross lake for the first time this season, Hit the water right on high tide and landed the first fish 35cm on my second drift, Downs were pretty consistent for the next few hours, All fish were stonkers and fat and healthy specimens, 2 of us ended up landing 26 fish dropped several and was busted off 3 times.

I upgraded my previous PB from 45cm to 47cm, My Brother upgraded his PB from 46cm to 47cm and then to 48.5cm all but 2 fish were taken on cabbage.

Talked to a young guy that has been catching similar fish further upstream on squirt worms.


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Wow there monster luderick

They would have put up a great fight

What kg rods do you use

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Yeah they sure did fight, Not sure what kg rods are rated at. I use a Wilson 9ft blackfish rod, 10lb dango wax main line and 6 or 8lb harris fighter fluorocarbon leader

Edited by Luderick Hunter
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Hi Luderick Hunter,

I was at Tuross earlier this year. Cleaned up on flatties and bream, but never considered going after luderick. After some big rains, the water might have been too murky for them, anyway. Any tips on the best locations for weed gathering and where to drop said weed? I'm returning there around March 2016. PM me if you want to keep the info confined.

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Hi Luderick Hunter,

I was at Tuross earlier this year. Cleaned up on flatties and bream, but never considered going after luderick. After some big rains, the water might have been too murky for them, anyway. Any tips on the best locations for weed gathering and where to drop said weed? I'm returning there around March 2016. PM me if you want to keep the info confined.

hey Nursie, Tuross is a pretty famous lake for luderick, it used to be heavily fished for them many years ago but all the old timers are dieing off and the young crew are not interested. Therefore they are pretty widespread from October to march in the lower reaches. Good spots out the front of the VRA rescue station, along the rockwall where the pipe crosses the lake (just upstream of the boatsheds) or in the snags around the 4 ways. Cabbage available on the rocks out the turoos headlands and weed along the banks of coila lake near entrance.

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hey Nursie, Tuross is a pretty famous lake for luderick, it used to be heavily fished for them many years ago but all the old timers are dieing off and the young crew are not interested.

Thanks Luderick Hunter,

I've hit the 60 mark, but don't consider my self an old timer yet, and I don't plan on kicking the bucket just yet either.

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Nice Luddies, Tuross is one spot I get more than a few Luddies on plastic and fly. Seem quite willing there to hit the artificials.



Hi Matt, I have heard of people catching them on blades but I havent focused on that yet. There is something special about float fishing for me.

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Thanks Luderick Hunter,

I've hit the 60 mark, but don't consider my self an old timer yet, and I don't plan on kicking the bucket just yet either.

Good on ya Yowie, 20 years ago you couldnt get a spot in the luderick haunts there, the boats would be tied to each other with anchor ropes going everywhere, these days only a few of us fish them.

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