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Wonderful morning Sydney Harbour


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Awesome catch mate, well done!

Can i ask do you go through alot of squid per trip due to pickers?

Everytime ive tryed to fish for the jewies i end up losing all my bait too fast so usually bring it up to midwater and chase the kings instead.

Do you fish right on the bottom or a bit up in the water column?

Cracking pic too!

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I don't get any pickers. The pickers start picking after sunrise which I am done by then

Awesome catch mate, well done!

Can i ask do you go through alot of squid per trip due to pickers?

Everytime ive tryed to fish for the jewies i end up losing all my bait too fast so usually bring it up to midwater and chase the kings instead.

Do you fish right on the bottom or a bit up in the water column?

Cracking pic too!

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