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Darwin 2014


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Ok so here it goes guys, sorry for the late post as I know some have been awaiting.

Earlier this year, plans to head up to Darwin for the run off had failed due to work commitments and we had all thought the trip will be postponed for another year however a mate of ours up in Darwin made the call advising he had a week off early November and would be planning to fish the build up.

It didn't take long for me and a couple of mates to make all arrangements and we were set.

Following last years trip, our intentions this time were to target the good old Aussie Barra and boy we were in for an adventure.

Our mate Borgy had set the plan from day dot seeing what he has caught over the years.

November 1st arrives and were off :-) Plans for the days was to get all gear ready and drive straight to Aurora Kakadu Resort where we stayed for the 4 hours of the night to see us launch at the South Aligator River early Saturday morning. We drove for 2 hours, passing hundreds of creeks without a cast L to get to the mouth were we were to spend 3 days 2 nights. Our arrival to the creeks saw the tides dropping and the call was made that we were an hour late. With 2 days travel we couldn't wait to wet the lines and within an hour we were onto our first Barra. Everyone was stoked however the fishing was pretty tough on the Barra front so we hit a couple of reefs out the front bagging out on fingermark, pikey bream, cod and the odd reef sharks which put up a great fight on light gear. Before sunset a surprise was set, which saw up move to the mouth of a creek, the target species was not said however we were told to hang-on once hooked up and boy were we in for a surprise, boating over 11 golden catfish over 15kgs each. These things pull like freight trains, but watch out for the spikes as you’re a long way from any medical aid. Within the three days on the water we only saw one boat on the second day.


Day 2 and 3 were to days which Borgy had predicted to provide the best Barr fishing and he was right with 2 boats boating over 45 Barra ranging between 60 & 85cm.


This was the first time I had fished for Barra and the style of fishing was amazing. Best catches found to be at low tide casting back into the mangroves, creek mouths & any stumps showing. At one point we were fishing in no more than 400mm of water where we pulled the biggest Barra of the trip at 85cm. Quiet amazing how shallow these fish will sit in.

The nights saw us tie the boats together, put on a feed, but the fishing was not to end there. Borgy made the call for a shark off which saw us fighting some reef sharks at the back of the boat, under the watchful eyes of a couple of crocs lurking no more than 10m from the boats.


For those who have not experienced the South Alligator River, it’s a truly special place and one thing that will come to mind right away is survival of the fittest. Raging tides, Crocs, Harsh environment which goes to show why we all love the Barra.

After three days on the south it was time to head back towards Darwin. We had stopped at Coorroborree billabong, for a go at some fresh water fishing. This place is beautiful, full of Lillis, wildlife. An oasis in the middle of nowhere. The surrounding environment was so dry that we saw a reasonable dust swirl a couple of kms away as they've had a late buildup. It’s a shame as the potential is there for some great fishing but due to its close proximity to Darwin it appears to be fished out until the next wet season where a flush of new fish will enter. We caught a Sarratoga, a small barra and some tarpon on a picturesque sunset.


Last was to fish Darwin harbour and wind up on the great fishing we had earlier in the week, Upon arrival to the ramp there was no water to be seen :-). We waited a couple of hours which saw us launch pretty late ending up catching a nice queenie and a first for me a golden Trevally.


It has become our yearly pilgrimage and will be back again next year.

Thankyou for reading and I urge everyone to go up and experience the NT at least once you’ll be hooked.

But make sure to be prepared with all safety gear, plenty of liquids, and some local knowledge.

Thankyou for reading



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Vic, what an awesome report and yes I've been waiting for it. There is something special about fishing NT and an experience that you really can't put on words. Fishing back down here will never be the same again. You caught some amazing fish and had a trip that you'll never forget!

Thanks for sharing and love the photo with the rod in your mouth. It should make swordy proud.

Talk soon mate :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

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nice catches mate. im actually moving to Darwin at the start of January so im beyond keen for the next 3 years up there of fishing! :yahoo:

Well after 3 years of fishing up there, you'll be able to scratch your toes standing up. :) the fish up there pull hard!

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