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Disappointing day


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We got in the water at 6am and headed to the sticks. After one hour we had about 20 undersize pinkies and we decided to move. Moved to clifton gardens and there was more of the same. After two hours we had about 30 yakkas 10 kept live and others kept for burley next Sunday. We then moved to balmoral and stayed there for about an hour. Very disappointing as there was no bites after and hour. We weren't even baited 1 time. We also tried flicking plastics but nothing. Another move. We went to a point after spit bridge and there was one boat. We had seen him pull up a bream and 2 kingies in 10 minutes but be still had nothing. An hour went past and we had 1 whiting at 30cm. Another move, we went closer to the bridge.next to the houses. There was some action there. We picked up a nice 35cm bream but after 2 hours we had only pulled up pinkies and constantly bated. We were picking up the lines a fortunately I was last to bring in. I took 1 wind and the rod bent. I nice fight taking me around the boat a couple times. A nice 30cm snapper. We had moved once again to clifton gardens to fish high tide. Again the yakkas appeared at 3pm which was weird. After another hour there not 1 size fish. Overall we had a total of 34 yakkas 1 whitting 1 bream and 1 snapper.

A beautiful clear day with nice company.

Rgds youngfella

Edited by youngfella
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Just shows how spoiled we are these days when catching that many fish is a disappointment. I know how you feel but sometimes we just also need to be thankful for the amazing fishing we have at our doorstep, guess it can't always go perfectly :) Nice report though

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