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West Reef + Swains Reef

Peter Boukaseff

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Headed out with a couple of mates to west reef yesterday, and scored a couple of nice bonito both around the 70cm mark, taking our kingie baits. Ended up with 2 bonito and 1 legal king 68cm + heaps of rats. What suprised us was the amount of reddies around the 40cm mark. The reddies were all caught on pilchard pieces, whilst the bonito and kings all took favour to our selection of live & butterflied slimies. A great day had. Also Raiders, I have organised 7 day charter to Swains Reef in March 2015. A few guys have pulled out so I have availability for four more to join our group of seven. PM me if you are interested. A group of four would take priority. Cheers

Edited by Sketo
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Benums I have already been reprimanded for naming the charter. No, it is a different charter that leaves port from Yepoon. PM me if your interested in knowing the operator.

Very brave Dave. I consider myself lucky enough to go every second year.

Our sponsors keep fishraider running otherwise we would have to close it! Why not ask these businesses to contact us and become a sponsor so they can advertise all day about how good their businesses are :thumbup:

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