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Staple Gun


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In the process of "renewing" the boat, I found stainless steel staples in a marine shop. Thinking that they might come in handy when renewing the upholstery ( backrest ) on my boat. The Tackles are 26/6. The issue is: I can find absolutely no tacker, staple gun that loads those tackles. Anyone an Idea? I googled left right and center, searched high and low, but could not find anything.

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If the measurement 26/6 you gave implies 26mm/6mm ...maybe you need to be looking for a "narrow crown stapler" vs a tacker or staple gun...

I stumbled across this in reverse to you - I needed to staple roof insulation (LOTS OF IT) and was looking for a staple gun that could work at any angle in any awkward position...which excluded the manual ones and the "tackers". Came across "narrow crown" staplers, nail guns etc

So I now have a brand new never used Project Air Model TA-NB Air Nailer Stapler which I am happy to sell ($30). It runs of a compressed air supply -- looking at the manual it will fire Staples: 18ga, Crown Width: 5.7mm, length 6-32mm.

PM me if you are interested.

(Selling it as I was forced to upgrade to a cordless 18V unit before I even had a chance to use the compressed air one - as I had no power on site to run the compressor. The cordless also fires narrow crown staples 6.3mm width up to 32mm...so they are not that unusual.)

Edited by zmk1962
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