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The best laid plans........


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My wife and I have been off work, like most people over the Christmas break.

Catching up with friends and family, and enjoying the time together.

She is due back at work tomorrow, and we planned to go fishing on her last day of freedom.

I sourced the weed, mixed the berley, and setup my light blackfish rod for her.

We set up on one corner of the wharf, I showed her how to bait up, watch the drift etc etc....

She was sorted and fishing, the berley kicked in, and just while I'm baiting up "Got One".

Re baited for her, turned around "Got Another One". A nice 40cm specimen.

One her next down, she wound in too much slack, moved the float and the fish dropped the bait.

Then I'm on to one, Jacqui grabbed the net, and leaned awkwardly over the handrail to reach the fish.

Then a SNAP was clearly heared. It wasn't the line or the rod,

She netted the fish, then told me she thought shed broken a rib.

I packed up, took a quick photo of her fish, and headed off to RNS for X-rays.

Well, confirmed broken rib, no risk of a punctured lung, and a few weeks of pain to come.

She was enjoying the fishing, and getting her first Blackfish, but the injury suddenly turned her off.

Sorry Jac



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Thanks for the kind words guys. I'm passing them on.

It wasn't a slip fall, just stretching out and leaning over the rail.

The break is on the side, below the armpit.

She is a trooper, won't fish with me again for a while, but working tomorrow for the kittens and pups.

Edited by Ryder
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