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Hell Night


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A mate and I went out last night to chase a Jewie or two

Arrived down our chosen spot to find the weather forecast of light on shore winds was out by about 30km/h.

After standing around for a good two hrs waiting for the wind to drop we finally got to start fishing.

3hrs of chucking baits into the darkness and not a hit.

As we're contemplating our next move we see a vehicle drive down the access ramp to the beach about 200m away, even though vehicles aren't permitted on this beach.

The vehicle gets to the bottom of the ramp turns right, stops, reverses and stops again. Then all the lights go out. A couple of minutes later we see a torch light walking around the vehicle. The lights come back on, the lights go off and then the torch light comes back and then disappears. This sequence of events continues foe about 30mins.

Since we weren't doing any good we decided to pack up and head back to the carpark. As we got to the bottom of the access ramp we find a young couple with the ladies brand new RAV4 (got it for Xmas) hopelessly bogged with no idea on how to get it out.

After letting some pressure out of the tyres we asked the boyfriend to slowly drive forward while we gave it a push, which he did. We noticed the back wheels weren't turning.

We asked him to put in 4WD when we were told it doesn't have 4WD. Now this is interesting we've got a 4WD but weren't expecting to do this so we'd taken all the recovery gear out.

After a couple of more attempts I decide to go for a walk and see if we can find something to get under the front wheels to get some traction. After a couple of minutes I found a guy with a Hi lux ute who just happen to have a length of 20mm rope. We're in business. After 5 minutes we've got the Hi Lux down the ramp and connected to the Rav4 and we start to pull it out. The Rav4 struggles to get up over an 8" step to get back onto solid ground so I get onto the door pillar to give it a push. Up over the lip it goes and the rear tyre goes straight down the side of my right foot.

All the thank you's said they head off into the night with a car full of sand and 4 near flat tyres.

I've got a sore foot and no fish. So we decided to head off home.

To top it all off we cleaned up a kangaroo on Appin Rd on the way home,

Not a good night at all

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Karma mate, good things will come to you.

I had a crap session on the cooks on saturday which was concluded by my sliding down the boat ramp barefoot, only to be stopped by oysters. My iphone went for a swim too and shat its self.

and no fish...

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