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Fluffchuckers Social

Guest bluecod

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Guys, In case you miss it in the social pages, I've posted a request for the experienced ones to bring along a variety of flies they use in different situations for different species.

It will give us inexperienced fluffchuckers an idea of what to use/buy/tie for whatever we may be chasing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
50% off is a great deal.

Did Struddy manage to sell the company?


You're right Andrew 50% is a great deal, but I don't know if the company has been sold or not.

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That's absolutley brilliant :thumbup: I don't think I've come across any tackle shop that treats its customers or sponsored site as well as you guys do.

Full marks :1clap::1clap::1clap::1clap:

I'm sure there's a heap of guys who could do with an outfit like that.

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Would like to donate a fly combo as a prize to give away how ever Ken sees fit.

We will donate a fly combo...

8WT rod

Weight forward 8wt Floating line.


!00yds of backing



And a Rod Tube

Cheers Mick.


Brilliant ABA. :thumbup::thumbup:

Well done - Many thanks from all of here that enjoy the site.



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Guest bluecod

I dropped in at Australian Bass Angler today to pick up the prize and have a chat.

How good is that store :1yikes: They've got just about every conceivable item you can think of and prices to suit all budgets. Nice bunch of guys as well :thumbup:

Got to admit, I walked out of there with a few goodies for myself, but left a fair bit of drool upstairs around the fly gear. :drool:

Here's the prize fellas

An 8/9 weight Markston rod, a large arbour graphite Markston "Maroka" reel with spare spool, 100 yards of 20lb backing and a WF8F line, soft rod cover and hard rod tube.


The outfit feels nice and solid and well capable of handling light saltwater [small kings, sambos, flathead and bream etc] with ease and would make a great starter outfit or as a backup outfit. I reckon it would have to be worth well over a couple of hundred bucks and is a great prize for some discerning angler.

As you can all understand, the support of Australian Bass Angler is very much appreciated. And YES, this is a shameless plug, but a well deserved one :thumbup:

If you're ever out that way drop in and say G'day - 105 Batt Street, Penrith.

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Guest bluecod
icanallwaysslip50bigonesunderthetableifuwanna :biggrin2:



Mate, you can slip me $50 bucks over the table any time you want - but it ain't gonna help :074:

Mick at Australian Bass Angler left it to Ken A to decide how best to award the rod, and Ken A has left it to me.

I think the fairest way is by draw from a hat - all participants go in with an equal chance, so it becomes a lucky door prize.

Starting time for the social is at 10.00 AM and seeing how there's going to be a few there on the day without fly gear, there's a good chance that one of the newbies could win the rod.

Taking this into account and seeing how it would be good to learn on your own gear, I will hold the draw at 10.30 AM to give the winner every chance to practise on his/her new gear.

Note that you will have to be there at the draw, otherwise names keep getting drawn until it goes off.

Dilemma solved - no further correspondence entered into on this issue :biggrin2:

Edited by bluecod
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