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Flint & Steel Beach 15/02/15

Loco Mofo

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Hey all,

Decided to add a quick report even though I'm still a bit of a novice.

I've been scouting around trying different land based spots I hear about for the last month or so. I've been meaning to try Flint & Steel Beach and finally had a few hours to kill yesterday morning for a little solo mission.

Parked the car at the bush track entrance at around 7am and headed on into the bush with just enough light to spot any :1spider: hanging around at face height hehe. No spiders (I think), but plenty of webs busted, I made it to the beach at 7:25am.


Kicking myself for not bringing along my new beach rod (didn't want to lug too much on a bush walk I wasn't familiar with), I headed to the rocks on the far side to see if I could get some action. There were already some boats drifting on the outskirts, so I was keen to get a line out as well. I threw on a peeled prawn, wound back and let her rip... Miscast... Great start I said to myself and was about to reel it back in to cast again when BAM! I'm on! What the hell I thought, after a brief fight, I'd landed a new PB at almost 40cm.


In disbelief at what had just happened and thinking I'd just found the best spot ever, I quickly bagged that beauty bream for dinner later and got back into it thinking about the next sweet catch that awaited... Nope, as the boats began to peel off one by one my hopes dimming and only a couple baby breams thrown back, I decide a couple more casts and I'll try the other side of the beach. As I reel in the last cast, I feel weight on the line. Thinking it's just a bit of weed, I bring it in and find this fella on the end of it...


Anyone know what fish that is?

Anyway, after he goes back in, I move to the rocks back across the beach to test the waters there. I fished around that section for a good hour, but the sun is starting to get the best of me and a couple families rock up as well, I decide to call it a morning at 10:30am.

Thank god I called it before it got much hotter as the bush walk back is all uphill. What seemed like a leisurely stroll down to the beach earlier is now a battle up what feels like a million steps lugging my backpack, small esky and rod... I make it back to the car drenched in sweat, but it's all worth it with a new PB and a decent spot I might check out again.

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