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Thinking of buying a boat


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Hi to all, I'm worried about buying a boat in regards to all the talk surrounding marine reserves, lockouts etc etc,,especially in Sydney harbour with squid being targeted and possible banning,,is it worth it,,can someone be so kind to clear this up for me coz I'd like to get back into fishing after having spent a few years away from it.....any info would be appreciated....cheers

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Can I ask where you are getting the information regarding marine reserves. I though this was an initiative of the Labour government that went by the wayside although even at the ti me it was not going to impact recreational fishing that much.

Not sure about any of this so I would appreciate any links you have.



P.S Buy the boat anyway!

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Muzza, have boat can travel. Recreational fishing pours multiple dollars into the government coffa's. As well as local seaside communities that attract fishos on a regular basis.

I would not be deterred on buying a boat on the basis of something that might or might not happen.

In port Stephens we have many marine reserves and that still does not stop our ability to fish.

Life's short, but yourself a boat and get out there!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Muzza, have boat can travel. Recreational fishing pours multiple dollars into the government coffa's. As well as local seaside communities that attract fishos on a regular basis.

I would not be deterred on buying a boat on the basis of something that might or might not happen.

In port Stephens we have many marine reserves and that still does not stop our ability to fish.

Life's short, but yourself a boat and get out there!

Cheers scratchie!!!

Here! here!

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Fragmeister, some fishing celebrities posting stuff on Facebook won't mention names, which are involved in committees with the minister hodgkinson in relations to some sort of squid bans in some parts of the harbour etc etc and also looking into some sort of adjustments from Newcastle down to port hacking....Now I don't know if this is just a beat up or just some propaganda,,so this is why I am concerned about it,,also I agree that us fishos spend millions of dollars yearly in our sport and I get angry when the pollies like to stuff things up for us....cheers

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As far as I am aware the ban is just in North Harbour and has been that way for a long time. This could just be more commotion about opening it again.

Most of the pressure to lift the ban comes from a few recreational fishos and the guys who make money out of tours in the harbour.

Environmentalists have a view that many other species can be impacted by squid fishing including by catch of penguins... frankly I think that is unlikely as the only thing I have ever caught on a squid jig is a squid or cuttlefish.

Charter operators seem to think that the squid fishery is sustainable and they may be right as the reproduction rate is very high. Having said that they have their own interests at heart.

I am of the view that the North harbour is a very small portion of the total harbour area which can be considered to be good Squid habitat . Those so keen on opening it to squid fishing must think it a very productive area and presumably much more productive than the other vast areas in the harbour.... If that is the case then the unavoidable conclusion is that fishing has reduced numbers in the rest of the harbour. This would seem to be a good argument for keeping it closed.... Can you imaging how much it would get hammered if it was open given all the fuss?



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With the talk of this ban of squidding in

North harbour, how many of you actually think it stops people from

Squidding there? I mean it's pretty hard for fisheries to catch you squidding there lets face it.

Also when you look at the life cycle of a squid and the ever growing population of squid in the harbour and north harbour you will

Understand that it is pretty pathetic lock out

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With the talk of this ban of squidding in

North harbour, how many of you actually think it stops people from

Squidding there? I mean it's pretty hard for fisheries to catch you squidding there lets face it.

Also when you look at the life cycle of a squid and the ever growing population of squid in the harbour and north harbour you will

Understand that it is pretty pathetic lock out

A few interesting points here

I have to agree that there are too many people who ignore the rules but there are also plenty who stick to the rules just because its the right thing to do and not because they might get caught. I reckon if we ran a poll in the Fishraider forums we would get a lot of votes for sticking to the rules regardless of whether you agree or are at risk or getting caught ( or I would certainly hope so).

If squid are that prevalent in the rest of the harbour why all the fuss! Why waste time arguing about lifting the ban when you can catch your live squid at plenty of other locations? Remember the ban does not apply to finned fish so, as far as fishos are concerned it really just impacts invertebrates and cephalopods.

At the end of the day aquatic reserves have always increased fish numbers where as unrestricted fishing has alway decreased fish numbers. If there is no arguable gain from opening the North harbour they why bother.

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Mate, if you can afford it, and maintain it, and have a place off street to keep it. BUY THE BOAT.!!!

We live on the greatest natural harbour in the world.

When you have a boat it's an exclusive playground.

With a boat you can explore, discover, and enjoy the place.

There's so much you can do you can't do landbased.

Target kings on the markers, drift for flatties, chase surface action or find a place chill out.

Plenty of other places to catch squid apart from North Harbour, and you're in the best place to ask where.

I think the ban was put in place once people became aware of the penguin nesting sites in the area, and it refers to No invertebrates, I reckon this was to stop the commercial prawners. You can imagine what those nets would catch.

Edited by Ryder
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Muzza. That first Hoodlum you catch off your new boat will make it all worth it! Have a YOLO moment and get amongst it.

I too am having the internal debate over buying one to fish off. You can't beat a relaxing Saturday morning on the harbour, watching the sun come up as the bust ups start to appear around your boat!

Good luck.

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A few interesting points here

I have to agree that there are too many people who ignore the rules but there are also plenty who stick to the rules just because its the right thing to do and not because they might get caught. I reckon if we ran a poll in the Fishraider forums we would get a lot of votes for sticking to the rules regardless of whether you agree or are at risk or getting caught ( or I would certainly hope so).

If squid are that prevalent in the rest of the harbour why all the fuss! Why waste time arguing about lifting the ban when you can catch your live squid at plenty of other locations? Remember the ban does not apply to finned fish so, as far as fishos are concerned it really just impacts invertebrates and cephalopods.

At the end of the day aquatic reserves have always increased fish numbers where as unrestricted fishing has alway decreased fish numbers. If there is no arguable gain from opening the North harbour they why bother.

Strange logic you present. The banning of squid fishing has only recently been enforced. If squid fishing was so devastating to North Harbour why, over the time no one policed this strange ban (and which was never sign posted), was the squid fishing so good? Those "fishing celebrities" and charter operators you mention are advocating on behalf of all fishos. How do you know just a few rec fishos are pissed off by the ban?
Banning squid fishing in North Harbour merely puts more fishing pressure on squid in other parts of the harbour.
And the concerns about more No Take zones throughout the harbour for fin fish and other targets are justified, as the government has commissioned an investigation into the issue. If they can see votes in it, they would do it, scientifically justified or not.
There's little science behind the squid fishing ban in North Harbour. Squid are very fecund, live short frantic lives and move about heaps. Why ban fishing for them just there? There was no scientific investigation into a ban,
Some of those same "fishing celebrities" and charter operators you seem to be accusing of advocating out of pure selfishness are constantly fighting the good fight on unscientific restrictions and bans on rec fishing. I know one very well and he's spent many many many hours in government meetings when he'd rather be out wetting a line, fighting the good fight, and calling rubbish on extreme green propaganda or stupid legislation. He's battled many times to aid styles of fishing or locations he rarely, or never, indulges in. Selfish, hey?
What have you done?
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You seem to have missed my points...

If the relatively small quid grounds represented by North Harbour are that productive that they MUST be opened again in the interests of the recreational fisherman then
the rest of the massive harbour must be depleted enough to make it worthwhile. In which case surely North Head will suffer the same fate.

Frankly I don't know! I was just pointing out that logic put to me does not make sense.

Banning squidding in North Harbour puts pressure on the reset of the harbour?; I guess so but I doubt whether lifting the ban would impact this because apparently the squid populations are so mobile and so resilient that
the ban has no impact anyway. Really?
I am not accusing anybody of anything. I am pointing out that everybody has their own interests at heart. That's just a fact of life.
Your friend may well be an exception and for that I congratulate him . In fact as someone else who disadvantages himself for the greater good we have a lot in common and I would quite like to meet him!

However, the world is and has been full of people with vested interests who
contribute to poor decision making. I don't trust either side of the argument but I err in favour of preservation because I have lived long enough to have seen
what we once had in the harbour.

What I have I done? I am not sure that this interrogation was warranted but...

I have fished for 50 years in the harbour and never taken more than enough for my immediate needs even when there were virtually no restrictions or bag limits'
I have stuck to the rules whether I liked them or not
I have been involved in young angler programs

Endless amounts of river clean ups
I have released more fish than most people have had hot breakfasts.

I suggest that if everybody did the same( especially 50 years ago) we would not be having this conversation.

Maybe this doesn't compare with the effort your mate puts in but given he works in the industry surely a big part of the responsibility lies with him.

Edited by fragmeister
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I just want to clear the air guys ,what I failed to mention in one of those posts about those celebrities was that they are in there batting for us/all rec fishos, and are spending the hours making sure we don't get a raw deal they are doing a lot of work in the industry and hats off to you all,,so I apologies if I have offended anyone it wasn't my intention.


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I think we've lost sight of the original post.

Muzza, there are sanctuary zones and exclusion zone all over the east coast of Australia.

If this puts you off buying a boat then so be it. Let's not dive into the he said, she said of politics.

Regards scratchie mod team

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Well guys, first boat I went to look at the guy couldn't get it to start and blowing heaps of oil through the exhaust so I told him to forget about it and the other one got sold before I could have a look at it,,,oh well at least it's a start,,I'm going to the boat show this w/end could there be something there??...cheers

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Guest no one

Make sure you take anything for a test drive! A motor can start on land but under the pressure of the water will conk out.

Seriously - try before you buy, anyone not allowing you to test drive isn't worth dealing with!

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