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Botany Flathead on SPs


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Hey Lads! :biggrinthumb:

This is my first of many reports to come on here. Those that have seen Swordfishermans report will know I met him this morning at the boat ramp and after seeing the big Fishraider decal on the side of his boat I made sure to pester him to find out why I couldnt register myself with the site after trying over and over. Turned out to be minor error on my end but he got it sorted for me on the spot with the help from Donna on the other end of the phone! Cheers!

Ended up having a great chat with Janifin and Stewy. They are both top blokes and the amount I learnt in 10 minutes about fishing a system almost down the road from my house was incredible. Looking forward to getting to know the guys along with the rest of the fishos on the site.

Hope you enjoy the report.

Changed things up a bit today and hit Botany instead of my usual Port Hacking trip. (Botany can be a little daunting in my tinny as todays mean southerly clearly demonstrated)

Plan was to chase flatties on SPs infront of the Novotel as ive been aching for a good session on them but my last few attempts in the Hacking were all rudely interrupted by pinkie snapper :thumbdown:

At the spot by 7am and after a quick suss out of what is a new area for me I was flicking away!

First few drifts down along the drop off were very hit and miss. Picked up 2 and dropped that many more. Was finding it a little difficult/confusing to fish as my rod kept pulling as though I had been snagging weed.

Few more drifts saw a few more fish. I was getting to know better where the fish were holding by now. That was until my sounder battery carked it :1wallbash:

A few casts later my 'weed' issue answered itself. I had the plastic near the boat and sat the rod down to grab a new minnow when the rod tip lunges down. A little occy was trying to take off with my plastic! Unfortunately couldnt hook it to use as bait on a later trip but I did manage to jag one of the squid that was terrorising my little 4" minnow afterwards.

Last drift I managed a 38cm and 41cm flatty. Both were sent to fight another day. Last fish was a Grinner though at the time I had no idea what it was until Stewy ID'd it at the ramp.

Hurried off the water with the Southerly in full swing by now but all in all it was still a top morning on the water and im keen to get back out and get some larger models. (maybe thursday)

Thanks for reading!




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Welcome to the site Sebcox. You'll love the camaraderie and information sharing on the site Stewie, Donna and the rest of the Moderators work hard to keep civil and family friendly.

Look forward to reading your reports in future ...

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Welcome Bro!

Botany in any sort of wind is a nightmare, especially in a tinny... You'd be more comfortable in the hacking with anything over a 10knt wind (coming form someone who fished Botany in a tinny almost every week this year). Lucky enough you bumped into Stewie at the ramp, good wealth of knowledge right there!

Good Flatties, good to see them still coming out!

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Welcome to the site Sebastion

Couple of nice flattys. Some of the best fishing i have had in the Bay is in the half hour before a decent southerly blows up. You need a bit of a balance between getting fish and getting a wet bum coming home and of course making sure the Southerly doesnt blow up too big and become dangerous.


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