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Back to enjoying my weekends again


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Hi guys

After selling my last boat a couple of years ago I decided to take up golf as a way of escaping some of the stress from a very busy work environment. - Enjoyed the golf , but became more and more frustrated with my inadequate skills , realised eventually that no amount of new golf equipment will make up for lack of talent :insane: and the final straw was suffering a radial tear in my right knee which has given me a choice of either no more golf or the prospect of a knee reconstruction in the near future.

I therefore made the sensible decision of selling my golf clubs etc. ( - gee I seem to collect stuff) and get back into fishing (and enjoying my weekends and holidays again) .

I am looking forward to being involved again in the Fishraider site , hearing all the wonderful stories from the fellow desperates who frequent this place and sharing some of my upcoming captures and adventures.

It is also with much anticipation that I am planning on buying another boat - probably something around the 4.2 metre mark this time which I can easily handle by myself (and not put too much pressure on my knees when pushing it around) and I have even selected a name " Never Again # 8 " - you would think I would have learnt my lesson about the joys of boat ownership by now.

Cheers guys - regards Bill

Edited by Suttons Curse
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