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Help with knots!


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Hi all,

Been a while since ive appeared online... been a while since ive been for a real fish. But now im back in the game! I was down at port hacking the other day and had a good session, but lost many lures to nice salmon. My rig kept snapping at my braid to leader knot, which was a double uni. I normally use this knot off the beach or rocks, but for 30lb braid. In the hacking i was using some new gear, 6 and 3lb braid tied to 20, 10, and 4 pound leader, and I believe the fine braid is shearing the much thicker mono. I realised this for my last lure, and switched to the knot where the mono makes a double and you wrap the braid around it 20 odd times (i cant remember the name of it)

The double uni knot was breaking as soon as i hooked up to anything that took line. But the new knot lasted many a good fight against salmon up to around the 70-80cm mark. Yet after about an hour the braid snapped somewhere near theknot, but i think that may have been a fault in the braid. Sooo whats a good knot for this application? Any help is appreciated.

Cheers guys

(Also the 20lb leader is to help survive the tailor that were around, if youre wondering why so heavy. And might i ad when youre casting a 40g slug amongst expensive boats and the line snaps, you reeeaally do hold your breath as to where that projectile lands. Luckily it made a sploosh sound and didnt break anything....)

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I think the wrap knot you are talking about is an albright - its currently my go to for braid to leader.

I had some issues earlier on with my albrights and I think it came down to the braid wraps coming up off the leader (FC in my case) and being tightened against the braid line. Under pressure you then have braid against braid and it will cut itself. I make sure now that the wraps stay on the FC and bite into that, even to the point of having a slight loop of leader poking out from the knot. Its been fairly solid so I started doing them more carefully like that.

If you want a more solid one the FG knot is good for heavier leaders, but its a little more involved to tie and with my clumsy hands I can only do it at home when setup right, but that might be because I find the albright easier and I can do it out in the wind and when out and about.

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That knot.... jeeeze haha. I have no doubt its worth the effort though. Do you reckon its doable without the bobbin. I mean it would be damn anoying and hard, but possible? I think for the short term ill go with the fg knot and see how it goes.

Cheers guys

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Just a thought. If you're spinning lures on the surface you may not even need a leader. 30lb braid is fairly tough. On a fast retrieve you'll mostly get strikes directly on the tail hook of your lures so no need to worry about tailor cutting your line. Just a simple non slip knot to lure

Edit: sorry just re read your post and saw your lighter line choice. Even on light braid you shouldn't have to worry about sharp teeth on a fast retrieve.

Edited by Shorething
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I guess, but im a little paranoid of losing the really small lures to bigger tailor that are capable of inhaling the entire thing. But in such a case nothing much will stop them chewing through the line, unless you use wire.... which would likely affect the lures performance

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I almost exclusively use the uni to uni. 8 turns on the braid 4 or 5 on the mono. However on one or two of my setups I find the same problem you mention. My work around is to switch to the (triple) surgeons knot for just these set ups.

Basically you run the two lines parallel at the point you want them to join and do a three or four turn overhand knot. Because the two lines end up intertwined you don't get one knot biting down on the other line.

As to your tailor problem I find that when I use a halco twisty I use a duolock clip and swivel. It keeps the line just that little further from the lure, doesn't seem to affect the action, takes a little bit of twist out of the line and I don't think I have lost any to having tailor bite one off (as long as you don't stop retrieving so they know which end is the tail to bite off). In fact I have been able to land some pretty big fish on this rig with my bream gear. If you haven't come across it yet I also suggest you change out the treble hook to a large eye single hook (Gamakatsu is one company which makes these) just for the ease of unhooking them.

Edited by DerekD
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Yep, im i fan of single hooks and snap swivels on spinners. I was told and have found that salmon throw single less often than trebles. Ill throw a snap on these lure but because they have a very balanced action im afrain the snap will cause it to not perform quite as well. Still really godd advice though! Cheers

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I was shown a modified slim beauty just before Xmas quite complicated to describe but you do a double overhand on you braid and then pull it until it forms a figure 8. Then feed you leader through the figure 8 and tie a Uni knot in the leader around the braid then pull the braid down tight.

The beauty of this knot is that it tapers so it will go through the tip guide without ripping the insert out of the guide.

I've been using it throwing 4, 6 and 8oz sinkers 150 to 200yrds and haven't had one crack off yet

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