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Kingie luck with bro in law in New Zealand


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Hey raiders. Been a long while since a posting. Two kids under 3 make finding time for fishing difficult at best.

However, thankfully i married a kiwi so regular trips over the ditch usually result in a spate of fishing.

Anyhow, just got back from 3 weeks on the north island. Early luck was not with us with a planned charter to the Mokahinau Islands canned twice due to weather. Managed a couple of good inshore snapper sessions but really i have been wanting to catch decent king. We always find lots of rats which are crazy fun when jigging but haven't had much luck with bigger models.

Second last day and my bro in law and i headed out from the Auckland north shore in the tinny. Got some slimeys early and had one under a balloon whilst we picked up some nice pannies straylining. Good start to the day but no love on the livey....

Once the pillies were done headed to a nearby bay known to hold bait. Cast a few plastics around with little success. Sounder thick with bait we sent the sabiki over and bang more perfect sized slimies. Livey time!

Sent two livies out back on the "big gear" and slow trolled. Within 30 secs zzzzzzzzzżzzzzzzzz and we were on. After about 8 minutes brought in my PB king at 91cm and 10kg. Hooting and hollering all around. Yiew! Finally........

Unfortunately there were no more takes that day but i haven't stopped smiling since. Sashimi, pan fried and smoked. All delicious.

Catching a good fish on your own boat after trying for so long is so rewarding. Bro in law and i both stoked.

Looking at harbour or pittwater for an Easter king chase. If anyone has a recommendation let me know.

Couple of pics attached.

Tight lines.

Duncan post-8757-14275339467092_thumb.jpgpost-8757-1427533965471_thumb.jpgpost-8757-14275339877835_thumb.jpg

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That's a great fish, it makes those snapper look tiny. Well done.

New Zealand is a great fishing destination, Kingfish, snapper, marlin, swordfish, trout, the list goes on.

A few years back a mate pulled a similar fish off the beach at Piha, very rare in Oz

You made me want to go back, and I'm watching Big Angry Fish whenever I catch it.

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