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Pb squid shell harbour


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Hi all omg best arvo fishing with the boys was thinking snapper but the southerly had other ideas so I troweled 4 rods past bass point no luck at all found a sneaky little sandy weedy spot...

Mate was first to hook it's the smallest but fat from small

Then mine then big sucker... So happy can not stop smiling, see I stoped fishing for squid 10 year ago then recently started needing fresh for Jews but I've been ending up getting it off a mate until today drought broken and blown away

The next 2 came over quick. But I didn't care ihad my big one, now I'm off to put then on BBQ....

Ow all the scrapsb8e47d924a4af6d9278e92c766b8af7d.jpg55e29385a269bd022165af5d99d3329c.jpg frozen in the ink here snapper

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