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Botany bay 30/5/15


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Fished outside the heads from 7am to 4pm in 40m to 70m

Caught plenty of flattys up to 60cm

2 tailor up to 60cm in 60m deep

Plenty of undersize flattys and snapper

Used mullet striped tuna sergeant baker strips

Trolled around the heads but no success

Plenty of activity of birds diving in and saw big balls on the sounder and had one big take on the raider lure but the lure came off

Best day out on my mates 4.5m tinny

The time went so fast we didnt feel we were on the water for over 9hrs until my son rang me to asked what time he will pick me up from my mates house

Got home around 7pm

Thanks for reading



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That fogdog cajun stuff is good, expensive when not on special though so I only grab it when I see it going cheap :)

I knew there had to be a use for seargant bakers - are they any good as strip bait?

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That fogdog cajun stuff is good, expensive when not on special though so I only grab it when I see it going cheap :)

I knew there had to be a use for seargant bakers - are they any good as strip bait?

Sergeant baker strips are good bait

Caught plenty of flattys morwong snapper and other fish with it

Almost as good as mullet strips

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