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Grand Canyon


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Well as you know I've been in the U.S. the last month and flew over the Grand Canyon a couple of weeks ago and thought I would share a couple of pics I took out the window.

Quite a harrowing experience actually as it was a windy day with a lot of turbulence and once the pilots log books and folders even fell out of the cockpit into the aisle :1yikes: ....... My new :wife: says never again and that if we ever see the canyon again it will be on the back of a burro :biggrin2:

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No Mark, I thought I may be able to get a fish off San Diego but time was scarce.

These shots of the Basspro Shop in Vegas was as close to a fish as I got

This store is unbelievable and is connected to a Casino :thumbup:

I did get a few pics of boats and the prices the Americans pay........which I'll put up soon

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Here are a few pics of boats with some prices at the Basspro shop.

This little Bass/Bream boat which is not at all suited to NZ conditions had the 60 horse on the back so it was 13,620 or whatever the red number on the right says

Also was this CC 18 footer with a 90 horse on the back for 13 grand...........it would do me I reckon :biggrin2:

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Or this Dragster for 35 grand.........I'd have to pay that for the motor here.........still highly impractical..but looks good

Hers one last one which for me would be a little more realistic price wise

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Almost forgot what I would call my wisest investment whilst overseas.......

you know how you and especially the :wife: end up with way more to bring back than there is area in your suit cases............ well dont buy another suitcase......this 114 litre chillybin was 39 bucks and change........great for fishing :thumbup:

except it wont fit in my tinnie :074::074::074:

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Clutch, Sounds like you had a good time regardless of going fishless.

The Grand Canyon is awesome and now that I've seen it there's no need to go to the States.

Once I put armour on I'll tell the :wife::074::074:

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Cheers for your kind words Trev.........as always :thumbup:

George, you gotta go to the States at least once.......theres alot to see and you WILL like it :biggrin2:

Ken, dead right, best to stay clear of the "boat debate" :biggrin2:

Hooky I guarantee you will love the Basspro shop in Las Vegas :yahoo:

the chain of stores originated in the eastern states and is coming west.

They are about to build a big one in Rancho Cucamonga........which is a lot closer to Los Angeles :thumbup: Thats one I will be visiting

Joe, I dont know why I didn't buy Chillybin suitcases earlier.........will bring one back each trip in the future :thumbup:

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O.K. back to the Grand Canyon :biggrin2:

Heres the educational bit.......that water inside the canyon is the Colorado River and it flows into the man made body of water called Lake Mead. It is easy to see where the silty waters of the Colorado meet the lake

Now Lake Mead is a man made body of water because of a little device known as the Hoover Dam.

Alright .......Class dismissed :biggrin2:

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