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Hi everyone, my first post here but have been checking the site every couple days to see what's happening on the fishing front. I have been fishing Port Hacking river for the past 45 odd years and used to go outside a lot with my father when he had a large boat when I was younger. I recently aquired a Quintrex 475 Bayhunter Caprice which I have finally purchased all the safety gear for so that I could go outside the heads and not have to look over my shoulder to see if I was going to be checked by the authorities. I have been outside a couple of times, but have picked my days and conditions, to see how she handles.

So far I have been really happy with it. I have so far gone out about 5 km and down as far as Garie in good weather and will slowly go out in slightly worse conditions until I find the limit of what both the boat and myself can handle. Back to the point of this topic. Seeing that the weather had a nice day planned for me yesterday, I thought I would take the opportunity to wet a line, so after getting to sleep at about 1:30am on Tuesday night I got up at 6:00am to get the boat ready. Headed down south along the coast with a couple of lures out the back without a hit. Decided to stop at a spot a few kms down, in close to the rocks, where I had success with giant squid a few years ago when a mate took me out in his boat and caught three nice specimans. I caught the three within 10 minutes and then they just stopped, must have been all the black ink in the water that put them off. So I headed up to a couple of flathead grounds off Cronulla with some nice fresh squid wings for bait and as soon as the bait hit the bottom I was on. Caught a heap of flathead but they were all about 25cm long so I but them back and told them I will be back when they are a bit bigger. All in all it was a perfect day to be out there, even if it was a bit nippy in the morning and if it wasn't for the fact I had to go to work late that afternoon I would have stayed out till dark. The width of the tub they are laying in measures 400mm.


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Thanx for that guys. One thing I have been wanting to ask and I forgot to ask in the post, I notice that there are a lot of fishos in port hacking, has any one ever thought of having stickers made up to stick on our boats so when we are on the water we can identify and introduce ourselves to fellow members

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Thanx for that guys. One thing I have been wanting to ask and I forgot to ask in the post, I notice that there are a lot of fishos in port hacking, has any one ever thought of having stickers made up to stick on our boats so when we are on the water we can identify and introduce ourselves to fellow members

Why don't you send the Swordies a PM to that effect. I fish the Port as well and wouldn't mind one for the kayak in summer.

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Guest no one

Thanx for that guys. One thing I have been wanting to ask and I forgot to ask in the post, I notice that there are a lot of fishos in port hacking, has any one ever thought of having stickers made up to stick on our boats so when we are on the water we can identify and introduce ourselves to fellow members

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They can be printed out quite easily. As long as someone got the design for it. Probably cost $2 for a sticker depending on the quantity and materials used

Um papafish the cost to make the stickers is well over $2

It is marine grade vinyl for a start.

At the recent Hairtail social yarraone donated some of his prizemoney to buy us some stickers. This is in progress now and we will post it up when done.

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