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Suggestions wanted for new knots to learn


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On a whim yesterday I picked up a spool of cheap mono yesterday. I also have a few part spools of braid left over from when I last respooled a couple of reels. What I was thinking was time to practice my go-to knots and perhaps learn a few new ones.

90% of my fishing I use just three knots and I can tie all of these fairly well.

1) The uni knot. My go to knot for connecting any line to any terminal tackle. This will be the first knot I teach the kids! There are lots of uses. I frequently use a back to back uni knot to join the leader to the main line and have a few other variations I tie for things like float stoppers and to make a sliding snood. I use yet another variation to put a loop for a sinker at the bottom of a paternoster rig because it is weaker than a dropper loop in the same line. If you snag the sinker more often than not you can lock the drag and pull and the sinker knot will fail first, giving you a good chance of getting the rest of your rig back.

2) The Lefty Loop. Pretty much the only knot I use when tying lures or jig heads on the end of a leader. I tried the Rapala knot as well but it is harder to tie and (when I tie it at least) did not seem any stonger than the Lefty.

3) Blood Dropper - used when I need a stong loop coming out the side of the leader - usually when I am tying a paternoster.

I want to add in something for making doubles so was going to start practicing the Bimini Twist.

Any other suggestions for other knots I could add to my arsenal? Any knots other raiders swear by?

- kiwicraig

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The plait is fantastic and get yourself a bobbin like the fly tiers use and practice the GT knot its the best knot ever for joining leader to braid of any size and another favourite is the 5 turn surgeon loop

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Don't forget to click on the 'Knots" link at the top of the page. There might be a few there you could practice.

For terminal tackle, I still like the 4 turn half blood knot, or the "improved clinch" as it's known now. Easy enough to tie blindfolded and a bit easier than the uni when the wind picks up.

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FG knot.

This. I spent the whole of last night practising it and I'm still messing it up! I've been using the double uni for joining my braid and leader and I can feel it catching on the guides all the time when casting, even on my new big rod. I reckon the FG is vital.

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Have the say, FG is great. Can't tie it off the beach in a wind yet but works great when tied in lounge room over a beer. Double uni is easier when tied fishing in my experience. Which is very little!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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This. I spent the whole of last night practising it and I'm still messing it up! I've been using the double uni for joining my braid and leader and I can feel it catching on the guides all the time when casting, even on my new big rod. I reckon the FG is vital.

Cmon Adam. Watch one. Do one. Teach one :)
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I learned how to tie it with this

and I find it the easiest way to tie by hand.

I've since bought a Daiichi Seiko Knot Assist 2.0 to tie it with.

Wondered how long it'd be before that vid was posted ;) I can just about do it that way, though I keep forgetting either which way I've wound the leader round the braid in the first trap, or which way I've tied the half-hitches in the second part when you lock the knot down. That'll teach me to try doing it after a few beers!

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That's the method I use :) top knot

Great strength and I've got 100% confidence in it. And makes heavy leaders and small guides a non issue :) don't worry too much about alternating the half hitches, just evens it out a bit more. I even do overhands instead of halfs in really slick light braid to lock them better

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Wow PM79 that video did my head in

I felt the same the first time I watched it.

I just asked Stewy and watched him do a mad knot using a bobbin thingy in about 1 minute flat.

The assist tools are great.

I tried the bobbin and just couldn't get the hang of it, so I looked for other options and found the

. Edited by PM79
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Wondered how long it'd be before that vid was posted ;) I can just about do it that way, though I keep forgetting either which way I've wound the leader round the braid in the first trap, or which way I've tied the half-hitches in the second part when you lock the knot down. That'll teach me to try doing it after a few beers!

I hear you Adamski.

And don't blame the beers.Not all of us can go through life tying the more complex knots by hand. Especially when the old carpal joints start to stiffen and become achy with age.

I felt the same the first time I watched it.

The assist tools are great.

I tried the bobbin and just couldn't get the hang of it, so I looked for other options and found the


I've had the Knot Assist 2.0 bookmarked in my browser since I saw it a few weeks ago. Very clever looking tool. And at 4500 Yen, looks like a bargain!

I'm going to convince Santa to get me one for Christmas, I think. In the meantime, I'll keep practicing. Perhaps I'll do better when the weather warms up a bit.

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the bobbin knot is so easy I cant believe it.....get yourself a bobbin and you will never tie a silly knot with 5 hands again.

I will do a vid and post up soon

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Another vote for the FG here

I can now tie it on the boat pretty quickly. I experimented with the knot assist but find using my hand easier while holding the spool of leader under my foot.

Awesome knot for 10lb braid to 12lb leader and casts great through fuji micro style guides....

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Hi. I try find, how to made knot, for connect 1mm mono to 0.45mm braid, is it surgeon loop, or something else? And how much does it reduce the fishing line?

What about braid to braid, what i have to use connect 0.35mm braid to 0,45mm braid? And how much does it reduce the fishing line?

I leaving fishing to Norway tomorrow, and have not any idea for knots now? GT and FG knots looks like too difficult for me.

Edited by JaniFIN
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Everyone has their favourites. I reckon it's worth experimenting and settling on ones you pick up easily and tie well.

For example I struggle with the Albright but find the FG knot easy. Also the sliding snell i can't do but I can do a great perfection loop.

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Finally did the FG!!! It's actually pretty easy once you get the knack of the interlocking twists- I was trying to do the half-hitches around the line as opposed to in the line, so they weren't threading down to the knot properly. My only concern is I haven't locked down the leader end as I didn't have enough tag for extra half hitches, so might re-do it and leave myself a bit extra.

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Have found over many years that the "best knot" is the one you are most comfortable in tying - and not just in the lounge room but when the action is happening. Practice and then practice more! The uniknot is the most basic for many applications but when you get into more specialised areas - braid to mono or fluro leader, there are so many options. I guess it is what comes naturally to you. For me, the Bimini Twist for the loop in the braid and then the advanced Albright - fine if you are jigging but not so great for repeated casting. This is what I love about our sport, so much to learn always! Steve

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