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Great day fishing ended in hospital

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I was out on the harbour one day and caught a little rock cod about 8 inches long - had him dangling on my line in the boat looking for the pliers to unhook him and toss him back and my phone rang. The call was from a prospective employer talking to me about a potential position. Heavily involved in the "interview" the bloody fish started flapping around and shook itself off the hook and landed dorsal fins down on my thong clad instep. Well, I can't begin to tell you how bloody painful it was, and all the time trying to keep a professional tone in my voice with a prospective employer. The call lasted about 15 mins - the pain about 2 hours! Ever since I have never kept a Red Rock Cod to take home. Waste of time for what little meat you get - and can be tough.

Oh, I got the job as well. Sometimes ya just gotta tuffen up!



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Really?! A question i'd always wanted to ask. So I didn't hijack this original post, I created a post here http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=78362 discussing the eating qualitys of the bloody things.

Sorry, I was referring to Red Rock Cod, they taste great.

I couldn't comment on catfish, but I wouldn't have high expectations.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Do you catch these catfish in the Sydney area ? We will be based at Colleroy,at our daughters from 08 Oct for a 3 month stay. Her house is only 100yds from the beach so I will be fishing most days. Also it is right beside Narabeen Lake. Can catfish be caught here ? If I catch one the long nosed pliers will be out !!!!!!

Actually back in 2012 on a trip over Perth way caught a puffer fish and was very blase the way i handled it. Could I have got stung off it ?


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I've only caught catfish in tyne Hawkesbury, around Brooklyn to Berowa. You may encounter them in other parts of the Hawkesbury river.

I've never seen one in Sydney harbour, but I don't know of anyone that has. I'm sure someone will advise us if they have.

As for the puffer fish, I caught one in Sydney a few months ago, and it inflated to the size of a basketball. I cut the line, as i didn't want my fingers anywhere near those incisor like teeth. They ARE poisonous to eat. ( even if they were edible, I wouldn't bother with them).

As with any fish, if you're not sure, handle with extreme care, and release it, or cut the line.

Edited by hellcorner
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I once watched a show on TV from Japan. Customers in a restaurant would order toad/puffer fish and the chef would cut out the poison glands but leave just enough so when eaten the customers lips and tongue would go numb. Some type of delicacy. Talk about playing Russian roulette.

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We used to get catfish in some of arms of Darwin Harbour, same thing watch for the 3 spikes, the fish up there never came into the boat, The priest gave them last rites while they were hanging over the side of the boat.

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Know someone who, when still a younf fella, was carrying a hessian bag of eeltail catfish home and managed to get spiked in the groin. Over 70 yo now and it is apparently still, by far, the most painful thing he ever experienced.

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Know someone who, when still a younf fella, was carrying a hessian bag of eeltail catfish home and managed to get spiked in the groin. Over 70 yo now and it is apparently still, by far, the most painful thing he ever experienced.

Im sure he got the nurse to check that out!

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Do you catch these catfish in the Sydney area ? We will be based at Colleroy,at our daughters from 08 Oct for a 3 month stay. Her house is only 100yds from the beach so I will be fishing most days. Also it is right beside Narabeen Lake. Can catfish be caught here ? If I catch one the long nosed pliers will be out !!!!!!

Actually back in 2012 on a trip over Perth way caught a puffer fish and was very blase the way i handled it. Could I have got stung off it ?


More eels than catfich in Narrabeen Lake and the odd bull shark!

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A mate on mine's father got spiked in the Hawkesbury. They rushed him to the Ambos station near the bridge and they dunked his hand into a bucket of hot water and gave him a blocker injection. His hand was sore for 3 months.

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Sorry to hear what happen to you. Hope your alright now.

Thanks for sharing. I go fishing with the family and I'll look out for them now especially let the wife know. Wouldn't want her to get stung by one of those. Btw do they all look similar the salt water ones or are there different species.

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What a bummer !

It's interesting that the hot water worked better than anything else. It sounds like a good reason to always have a Thermos of hot water on board.

Although... I presume some cold would have to be mixed in in an emergency. Other wise a person could have burns as well as poison and pain.

Hope you are fully recovered and thanks for sharing.

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Although... I presume some cold would have to be mixed in in an emergency. Other wise a person could have burns as well as poison and pain.

Hope you are fully recovered and thanks for sharing.

That's why when treating stings and bites with hot water you normally treat the non affected limb as well to ensure that the hot water is not at burning point on stung limb.

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A mate on mine's father got spiked in the Hawkesbury. They rushed him to the Ambos station near the bridge and they dunked his hand into a bucket of hot water and gave him a blocker injection. His hand was sore for 3 months.

I'm starting to think it will be a 3 month job on me too.

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Got pinned by one years ago at the parramatta wheck (Hawksburry) fishing for stud bream. :(

Didnt know how to aleviate the pain.

Put finger in ice= did jack s##t

Pain traveled from finger down right arm to shoulder and abdominal area. Was a mess but fished on.

Takes a lot to put me iff a fishing trip.

Found out 7 hrs later ( from an Aboriginal guy, = hottest water you can tolerate neutralises the pain.

Took a good 12 months for finger to be near normal again.

I dont get within 6 foot of the mongrels now!


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