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Hi all. Gulp plastics, got some and i think they're good. I like that theyre degradable. The damn thing is how to keep them! The bags they come in open in my bag and i loose the lot. Any ideas?

Cheers guys

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And 1kg of juice is a bit of a pain. Ive dive a search and other ideas are jars, tupperware and sandwich bags. Just want to see fiat hand what people think :) ive tried a plano water proof tray, but they're water proof but not water tight....


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Hi Guys,

I'm struggling with the same thing, I'm still new, I was wanting to separate my soft plastics and put them in this I recent

will that be a problem if they are not sitting in a air tight bag with some juice in it? lol



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You can also purchase bottles of the fluid by itself and use your own container or reload the original packs - if they dont leak that is.

I have used zip lock style lunch bags and they have proved to be leak resistant so far, you just need to remove as much air as possible before sealing them. I used the saller bags for each type of gulp and then placed the smaller bags into one larger bag for transport. Ah to be sure to be sure??

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Thanks Krause, so if the air gets to them they melt or something?

is this with all soft plastics or just gulp ones?

I had it all planned out to put my soft plastics and hard bodies in this container (once I got my collection going of course)



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All good. The juice can be looked at as a bit of a scam really. I wouldn't stress. Squigies pro range last in open air and come with something called sfactor (a scent rub). Im just using gulp at the moment, but in the past ive steered clear of them for this exact reason

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I love gulps but hate those stupid zip locks they come in that inevitably leak all the stinky fluid all through your gear :ranting2:

I too have some of those tubs NaICH2OK9 has shown and they were perfect to start with and let the gulps store straight without kinking. Unfortunately they are now a couple of years old and they are now leaking as well if I dont store them dead flat. Anyone found a better container that has stood the test of time?



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Hi Mcconnachie

If you are using Gulp then these have to be stored in a bath of fluid / sealed pack or they will dry out and be usless in less than a day. The other silicone type plastis can be stored in your tackle box for a long period of time. Although sqidgys claim to be scent infused and as such may require some aditional sfactor to rejuvenate their scent levels if thats your thing.

I think Steve is right in that the action of the plastic is 90% of the equation but I have had occasions where the fishing was quiet and on the introduction of scent there was an increase in hookup rate. Was it scent, change of tide, found a patch, hard to say.

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Hi mate,

I'm the same - much prefer gulp, but keeping them for use in a convenient manner is annoying.

However, I use a soft plastic wallet like this - I've never had any problem with them drying out as long as it's sealed. If they start to dry out, I have a tub full of juice that I use to reactivate them.

The wallets zippers will be done in by salt water eventually, which is a problem for me on the kayak. If you're on the bank or whatever, shouldn't be an issue. My first one lasted over a year, anyway.



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From my experience, gulp dry out in air and go soggy in water. Keep em in their own liquid (you can buy bottles of the stuff). I find i never seem to close their zip lock packet properly no matter how careful i am and always seem to end up with a leak. Screw lid containers are best. If you use clip lock lids make sure they're the 4 clip ones with a rubber gasket.

Zman i find end up melting a bit and sticking together after a while.

Squidgies seem to last the best in air and less mess (though i prefer Gulps).

I havent noticed any significant improvements when using scents.

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