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Looking for that 1M Jew on the Hawkesbury. Help!


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G'day Raiders.

I'm hitting the Hawkesbury in a couple of weeks on the hunt for that metre plus Jewie.

We were up there in October last year around Wisemans Ferry and had a bit of luck largest one landed was 76cm.

This time looking to launch closer to Brooklyn. After any tips/spots to help us out. Baits, rigs etc appreciated.

Cheers guys!

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I usually stick to the same places that have produced fish in the past, fresh bait is a must and you may have to spend a few hours before to catch bait yourself, in fact I always spend a few hours catching bait before I fish for mulloway. Personally, if I'm by myself, I'll throw out a live bait and a dead bait on different rods, if i have a mate with me, four rods and four different types of bait - both live and fresh, and like they say big bait equals big fish so don't be afraid to throw out a live - AND LEGAL 30cm - sized tailor. Undersized tailor is NOT a bait!!!! You mentioned Brooklyn so you should have a fair few pylons (road and rail bridge) nearby that would be worth a shot. Rigs, well I just simply use a sinker above a swivel, then about a metre of trace to snelled hooks. I use sliding sinker clips so I don't have to re tie every time I need to change sinker weight.

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To be honest I've never fished the Hawkesbury system. To gather bait I simply berley up and wait for the yellowtail to arrive or mullet or slimies, they are all available in the system. I use a light rod or handline, NO sinker and a size 12 hook to catch livies. Tailor - well I guess you could use prawns though you get a load of everything else, worth a try though. I'd probably be throwing around some sort of lure with a faster retrieve to tempt a tailor, everyone else feel free to give advice on how to catch tailor. If you cant get any tailor just chuck out a yakka/mullet/slimie as a live bait. Care should be taken when you put a hook through them. For squid, again I would not know where exactly to get them in that system, but id look for wharves with lighting nearby at night time or if your planning on gathering squid during the day find patchy sand and weed beds. Are you going to be on a boat or landbased?

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Sorry I cant help you with exact spots, there are plenty of books you could get that would tell you more than I can about the system. I just put into practise what I have learnt over the years from where I fish (for both bait gathering and mulloway) in any new system I try - its not gospel but im sure my advice will put you on the right track

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G'day Raiders.

I'm hitting the Hawkesbury in a couple of weeks on the hunt for that metre plus Jewie.

We were up there in October last year around Wisemans Ferry and had a bit of luck largest one landed was 76cm.

This time looking to launch closer to Brooklyn. After any tips/spots to help us out. Baits, rigs etc appreciated.

Cheers guys!

If you find out, can you let us all know! :)

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