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Top End Fishing Trip


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H Raiders,

My lovely wife is trying to convince me that I should actually take a weeks holiday somewhere I would really like to go rather than

making the best of everybody else's chosen destination. Who am I to argue!

So I am strongly considering a fishing trip in the top end somewhere but I am so overwhelmed with information at the moment that I am stuck.

I guess as a starting point I would like 5 - 7 days and would like the whole bag of tropical experience.

A bit of river fishing perhaps to experience the whole tropical tidal environment and some reef fishing.

It would be nice to tick as few fish off the "never caught" list.... and there's quite a few of them.

Saratoga, Queenfish, GT's would be a good start.

Any advice would be appreciated.



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I would love to do one of those "mothership" trips in the Kimberley.

Comfortable accommodation onboard, and your own guide on the runabouts.

You can fish day and night.

I have been to the Sir Edward Pellew group of islands out of the McArthur river.

We stayed on one of the islands, fishing was just OK, accommodation was a a bit spartan, food was great.

We got GTs, Queenfish, Spanish Mackeral, coral trout, sweetlip, cod, Moses perch, red emperor, etc,

Great range, but not so in numbers.

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So many options mate it can be hard to decide, I fished the run off at Shady Camp and surrounds this year in The top end and was blown away with how good the fishing was. We fished Darwin Harbour a few other days to mix it up and caught over 10 different species. During the wet season I don't think the Bluewater is took good but there are plenty of options available.

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