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Sydney Harbour Monday 28th September


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Hi Raiders,

Had a sudden change of plans last night to I quickly readied everything for a fish today.

Had no bait though so I grabbed the chicken that was destined for a stir fry.

I figured I would use that to catch bait.

I left home little late but there was a full moon and good visibility so the run in was pretty quick.

The water clarity was not that flash and there was plenty of rubbish in the water after rains this week.

The water temperature was down from last week (19.1 at Nielsen Park Beach last week and 18.1 today). I swim there on Sunday mornings and I knew ( actually certain parts of my anatomy knew) that the temperature was down on last week. It was 19.1 between the heads.

Got to the harbour just on sunrise so I ditched the bait idea and went straight over to North Head and trolled a deep diving lure and a popper up and down there for a while with no action. I did mark some fish at about 6 meters with the lure running at 5 but they were scattered marks so I have no idea what they were.

Decided to go out past the heads and as I did so I saw a lot of seaguls working on the surface.

There were some of the biggest salmon boils I have seen for a while stretching all the way from Nth Head to Bluefish Point. Some patches were in close and a very large one was about 200 meters off shore.

I grabbed the fly rod and got the boat within distance but with the swell running at 1.8 meters, reflected chop plus the wind, I found casting very tricky. The last time I tried the flyrod in these condition I lost balance and in breaking by fall against the boat I broke my fly rod. I though this will be a laugh so I turned the Go Pro, which is mounted on the rocket launcher, to record the fiasco.

I positioned the boat in front of a boil and braced myself against the transom and the bait board. I did manage to get a cast in the middle of the boil for an instant hookup. The fish immediately went down deep and I grappled with the fly line accidental wrapped around the butt of my rod. Freed that and the excess fly line was now wrapped around the burly bucket. All in recorded on video I thought ... this is going to look good.

Anyway, I managed to get the fish to the boat and reached for the net. I lifted the fish to the camera and noticed there was no recording light. Hmmm.. I thought I charged that. Never mind, not something I would like to show anybody anyway I think.... must have looked pretty awkward.

I checked the various harbour markets and found very little except for Leatherjackets. Headed off home and was back in the driveway by 11:30.

I would be happy to hear some results from any Fishraiders but I think its still pretty quite out there.



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Hi Jim,

Even if things didn't go exactly to plan, it was a beautiful morning to be out compared to last weeks weather. Hope you still enjoyed even with the lack of hook ups.

Good to hear the Sambo are boiling up around there. They've been slower coming in to the estuaries this year. That said, most reports I'm seeing suggest things are still a little quiet.

I was supposed to head out this morning but have been struck by the bug that's going round. Still tried to drag my arse out of bed at 430, but my girlfriend went bananas (quite rightly) at me for even suggesting fishing when I sweating buckets from a fever.

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Hey Jim , nice morning to be out , shame about the camera would have been a laugh to watch . I got off work early and decided to go for a sneaky fish today ,on the water at 11 and fished till just after the low tide . I was mainly around goat island and worked my way back from there as the wind was starting to get up a and I'm only in a modest boat . I reluctantly have nothing other than a few med size flathead to brag about . Anyway still more fun than work!!!!!

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Hi Jim, I headed out late morning for a look on my lonesome. Still plenty of salmon boils off north head but no luck with spinning small metal lures. Two other boats trying but I didn't see them hook up.

Headed to my favourite flatty drift and managed a good feed with 4 blue spot and 2 dusky/ rock in just over an hour. I let one of the latter go because it was a stonker at 75 cm and I think they become breeders at about 80.

The spot I fish for these is around 0.5 Nm SSW of "foul ground" in 50 m of water about 4 miles off Manly beach.

I use squid rings on circle hooks and that seems to do the trick.

Salmon were still working when I returned to the harbour at about 2 pm. There was a pod of 5 whales only 200 m off North head. Would have been a great trip even without the fish.

Cheers Cpt Ahab.

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Looking awkward?! I wouldn't worry, some of us manage that on every trip ;)

Well done for getting out and at 'em Jim. I'm sure the fight with the salmon on fly was fun even though there were a few mishaps. What size do you reckon the fish went at?

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Hey at least you got a hook up! Being a land based fisherman (inner west), thats even hard to get these days (with the weather and all). Man id love to go out and try the heads! Better luck next time mate, and charge the GoPro :D

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Looking awkward?! I wouldn't worry, some of us manage that on every trip ;)

Well done for getting out and at 'em Jim. I'm sure the fight with the salmon on fly was fun even though there were a few mishaps. What size do you reckon the fish went at?

Hi Adam,

These were a smaller class of fish that I have been seeing of late.

They were perhaps 1 kg fish where as a few weeks ago they were probably 2 kilo plus.

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