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Another PB for the week


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What a beast of a fish!

I noticed in Sunday that the flathead were hitting bait as opposed to the lethargic action I felt over winter. This will only be my second summer as a fisho so it's interesting to see the changes in fish and the environment.

Nice attitude with the release. I barely keep any of my catches, I enjoy the catch more than the cleaning, filleting, cooking and eating parts :P

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Amkr - Most times all fish are released, only cos sometimes I just couldnt be bothered cleaning the fish at the ramp hence they all get returned.

Beginner - Yeah hopefully will get in the 90's soon Nathan

Mike89 - Yeah ive never had any of my 80+cm ones hit the lure so hard and steam off. Previous large ones, yes Ive felt the bite/take then just dead weight until they see the hull of the boat then they go for a little run - not like this run though, it was like it hit the lure on the run and kept going - I called it for a 70-80cm jew

Thanks to everyone else for the comments again

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