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PB Snapper


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Hi Raiders after a few busy months at work have been able to escape with the family up the coast for a week.

Arrived Thursday afternoon and after getting setup spent a couple hours driving aims doing some recon. The wind was a bit heavy so decided to have a quiet night and do my prep. Decided to try the marinated chicken bait I have heard so much about so made up a mix and left it to marinate overnight.

Up early Friday morning with the boys for a few casts down the beach that lasted about 2 minutes before they were in the water. Anyway ended up staying for a couple hours and getting some small bream and as good sized ray which was a bit of fun. The chicken appears to work.

Decided to have a bit of a late arvo session, the wind was blowing and the water was really choppy around the rocks but safe. The was another guy there as well so felt bet about that.

Landed a couple of small fish that went back then wack got absolutely smashed and after a good little fight pulled in a 40cm snapper a first and pb.


Then landed a nice little bream on the chicken mix. 37cm


After catching a few other fish like pike, rock cod, rosy wrasse and some weird orange thing I was smashed again but this time it spat the hook straight away. Baited up and threw back in and straight away bang into something real solid. This thing was taking line at a fast rate. Was able to stop it and after a few more small runs dragged out another snapper. This one went 51cm and a new pb man I had a huge smile on my face.


Baited up again and the same treatment unfortunately I lost it at my feet. Looked similar size though.

It was getting dark and I was an hour late so time to go.

Rock fishing is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get. Thanks FG.

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Thanks mate they were my first snapper keepers that I have caught. The best part is it was a last minute decision to go. I can still hear my wife's last words before I left. Be safe and dinner is at 7. I arrived home at 8, at least this time I had decent fish to eat.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

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