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Sunday jewfish


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Hey raiders

Yesterday me and a mate set out on the yak in hope to get my first tag in a jewwy!
We launched at 6am and started chucking plastics but the wind made it hard, but luckily with the hobie mirage drives I can hold us in the spot
This spot wasn't producing after about 40mins so headed over to a close by spot for nothing again. Wind was making it hard so we headed over to a protected spot which I have a lot of confidence in even though I've only seen 1 fish caught there. We stayed there for an hour or so because it was nice and protected from the wind but yet again, nothing.
I had a mate out yesterday chasing Jews and got none so I knew we were going to have to work really hard for a fish
So off we went to another spot that has been producing lately and maybe spent an hour and a half there and I hook something really solid. At the start of the fight it felt like a big jewfish but halfway through the fight I felt some little tail beats and then felt like a Jew again, then pop! Hook pulls
I was devastated because of only landing 1 flattie so far, but I came to conclusion it was a monster foul hooked trevally. Then started our drift again and there was 5 boats in the spot!! So decided to go have some lunch and then go back to that spot for only 1 flattie. Things weren't looking to good at this stage. We were tired, but determined. We headed over to one of my favourite spots and yet again, it was quiet... Up until something took off with my plastic!
He took off with it and I was calling a good King as there's been heaps. I got him off the bottom and he kept fighting to get line back, eventually I tired him out and after what I thought from the whole fight was a good King, was a 65cm Jew!! Into the net and the cheering began
It was so relieving to get one after a hard day and I could get my first tag into one
This was about it for the day, but a great day it was
Got back in at 5 when the tide started ripping through

Thanks for reading

Cheers Gianni

Edited by mrsswordfisherman
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