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Middle Harbour Kings


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When people say 'middle harbour is a gun place for kings' without giving too much info (or as much as you want) where are they talking about. In terms of the spit bridge do you just anchor on the Harbour side and chuck off a livie out the back or is it more going through the boat moorings on the other side and anchoring up and dropping a livie off?

Any help would be great,

Thanks a lot,


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Usually when I fish the harbour I always fish any of the markers you'll find throughout the harbour , especially the Wedding Cakes ..

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When people say 'middle harbour is a gun place for kings' without giving too much info (or as much as you want) where are they talking about. In terms of the spit bridge do you just anchor on the Harbour side and chuck off a livie out the back or is it more going through the boat moorings on the other side and anchoring up and dropping a livie off?

Any help would be great,

Thanks a lot,


There is a boat at the Spit moorings. Fourth row in from the far left and six boats in towards the marina. (sorry can't remember it's name) They are always under that boat! 1.2m kings minimum every time. I get them on 6lb mono mostly.

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Yet again, no luck :(

I want to try burlying next time however. To do this do I just go to any of the spots listed above, set down my anchor, and cube some pilchards and through them over? Does there have to be any activity on the sounder or can I just start a burley trail?

Thanks a lot,


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Yet again, no luck :(

I want to try burlying next time however. To do this do I just go to any of the spots listed above, set down my anchor, and cube some pilchards and through them over? Does there have to be any activity on the sounder or can I just start a burley trail?

Thanks a lot,


Hi Will,if you want to anchor up and berley.Try catching some fresh squid and use the squid in strips and the head on it's own in your berley trail unweighted or as lightly waited as possible.if the kings are around chances are they wont pass up on eating some fresh squid strips.good luck!
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Another method to try would be to catch some live bait then choose your desired location ( old mans hat) anchor up and start burleying. What I find sometimes works for me is that instead of cubing for them which is what you described you could also mix in bread crumbs, left over bait and some tuna oil.

Once this hits the water it's a lot finer and covers a lot more area which can in turn bring the bait to your boat which will in turn attract the kingfish.

This is generally when the Kingy will fancy your struggling baitfish on a hook and worse case of its not interested as bigpigs described above you can throw down a lightly or unweighted bait.


Joe B

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