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Squid Jigs - Opinions?


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As with most things in life, you get what you pay for. The more expensive ones have a better texture/ feel that the squid will hang onto and and will last a lot longer. Buy a black light to illuminate your jig - it will increase your success.

Edited by Twinfisher 4.9
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Hi PM79,

Just to clarify, a Black Light is a UV-A Light which is more concentrated than from any other light source. Natural sunlight does radiate UV-A but not in intense amounts. A torch does not emit UV-A, The effect may not be great to our eyes but squid have much better eyesight than us.

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I'm not ignoring science.

Fluorescent components (cloth) will emit light while being exposed to ultraviolet light, and phosphorescent components (cloth, eyes, feathers, sinkers, tape) will emit light after being exposed to ultraviolet light.

If you're shining an ultraviolet light on a jig before casting it out the only thing you're going to do is activate the phosphorescent components.

You don't need an ultraviolet light to do this as fluorescents, incandescents and LEDs emit more than enough ultraviolet light to activate them.

As for ultraviolet reflective components, such as Shimano's Keimura cloth, that's self-explanatory.

Edited by PM79
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From experience I've noticed that a UV light or black light will make a jig glow much quicker than a normal LED torch will. A UV light will get a jig glowing in about 10 seconds as opposed to 30 - 60 seconds with a normal torch. More time fishing....

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I have fished a black magic (cheap ish) jig side by side with a yamashita egi oh q live and caught 1 squid on the black magic to 6 on the yama.. the colours were exactly the same, they looked identical. Also the cheaper ones go rusty and cloth torn much quicker.

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