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Rocks fishing tragedy 24/11/15


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People need to be more educated on ground swells. Any swell with over approx. a 12 second period is holding ALOT of water , extreme caution must be taken. The swell period on that day was 16 seconds and on top of that , there was multiple swells. The more experienced rock fisherman didn't even plan to fish that day after seeing that swell forecast the night before.

With rock fishing in particular , there is more to checking the weather than just looking at tides, wind direction strength ,water temps etc.

I use www.magicseaweed.com and in 2 years of using it so far, I haven't had any surprises when I arrive at the ledge...but even willy weather has swell period forecasts that aren't too bad.

The rock fisherman 20 years ago didn't have this info at hand like we do now, there really is no excuse to be fishing in conditions like that on a ledge affected by swell.

I feel sorry that this fisherman had to learn by losing his life.

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We had the synoptic chart flash up on the news for about 3 seconds, and used that to predict the wind swell size direction and duration. Whether the swell would be jumping over each other or dying.

This allowed you to choose your location. Then it was up to you to interpret the reality and how it was unfolding.

Nothing terrifies me more than someone saying " it's going to be 1m and light winds " with no clue as to why or what will happen if the forecast fails.

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Will you fish in this condition???

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Wow.................... :nono::nono::nono:

I love rock fishing but always use safe practice when doing so.

I have had the unfortunate experience of almost seeing a rock fisherman drown of snapper point. me and the missus were bushwalking and stopped at the ledge above the point to watch a couple of rock fishermen.

The waves were breaking hard over the point now and then but these guys just insisted on staying on and braving it out with a rising tide. I mean, the commemorative plaque naming all the dead fishermen and the life rings positioned over the point just doesn't deter people!

Long story short, a wave swept a guy in (who was not wearing a life jacket, nor suitable shoes and turned his back to the water to rig up).

I had to grab the life rings and throw them down to his mate so he could throw them to him but at this point the wash was taking this guy away and he couldn't get the rings close enough to him, meanwhile my wife is on the phone to 000 and the rescue chopper had been deployed.

pure luck had it that the guy was not swept onto the nearby rocks and managed to swim around to the small beach (he was a pretty strong swimmer), meanwhile the rescue chopper made it there in 10 mins flat hovering 50 m from us looking for the bloke (an excellent response time in my opinion considering all the steps involved in mobilizing said chopper to a location such as that, my hats off to the people who work there).

The bloke was buggered when he made it onto the beach, he walked up, packed up the gear with his mate and walked off... no thanks, nothing....

Im just glad i didnt see a person die on that day. :mad3:

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That is just crazy to fish in those conditions and look what they are wearing more importantly. You would have no hope in that gear.

I finally bought myself an auto inflating PFD last week and wore it for 4 hrs on the weekend and it was okay no hassles at all. I did not have to wear it but wanted to confirm what it was like.

I guess prevention is the best cure don't go out when it is to big or you don't know the area.

RIP mate

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Rescued a guy off the North side of Maroubra about 30 years ago.

Surf was not actually that bad on the day but there used to be a steel pole mounted in the rocks and I always fished in reach of the pole in case a rouge wave came along.

Anyway this guy had no rock cleats and no idea, he got swept in on quite a small wave really but tried getting back out again where he fell in.

He was clearly not a good swimmer so, against my better judgement I jumped in and swam him away from the rocks.

In those days we kept the deflated bladders of 5 litre wine casks in our pockets ... If you went in the drink you could blow them up and stick them under your shirt for buoyancy. Today I wear a self inflating life jacket of course so I am not recommending a flagon of woobla to anyone!

Anyway, I gave the guy the inflated bladder and we swam around to the adjacent beach.

He was lucky that the surf conditions were not that bad and that someone was around.

Interestingly, I can feel myself getting angry recounting this!

I do remember being angry at him at the time.

Edited by fragmeister
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I have witnessed first hand how dangerous that spot can be. Was watching my mate Ollie fishing there a few years ago and I was taking a few photos. He had just reeled this kingie in and was walking back to me when a freak wave surged in. If he had not had cleated shoes on he would have been swept in. I made a mental note never to fish there !!!!

Unfortunately we have many similar trageties like this back in the UK. The sea takes no prisoners. :(




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Wow wow wow. Safety people. How does this continue to happen!!! It is such a sad way for someone to learn a lesson. I have lived at lake munmorah for 22 years (town where you enter national park for snapper point) and the amount of time we have seen the rescue chopper and police and ambos go flying into the national park iss uncountable. You cringe everytime.

I am just glad safe to say almost everyone on here knows better but none the less how do we deter in experienced fishos. Love the idea of the multilingual sings.

Anyway got any other great suggestions. Would be great for fishraider to possible start a petition to help reduce this horrible death toll. Fishraider making a difference. How great would that be.

Finally rip and condolences to the man and his family and friends. An innocent life lost is a life lost too soon.


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Guest Guest123456789

Terrible tragedy. Bring in Rock fishing licences I say. I am sick of people getting swept off rocks dying, using life rescue and hospitals etc. I'm also sick to death of people catching illegal fish, part of the licence n ends to be a test on why bag limits etc are in place.

Mandatory life jackets is not the panacea, education is

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I agree mandatory life jackets is not the answer. However, it could be argued that if mandatory life jacket use saved just one life...then it should be done. Rock fishing deaths figures in Australia are heavily misrepresented by a large number of ethnic anglers. This is a group that I believe would benefit most from mandatory life jacket use. They are generally not good swimmers. A mandatory life jacket is not going to save a guy that's fished/surfed/dived all his life unless he is fishing in conditions that he shouldn't be.

Mandatory life jacket use could in fact have a negative effect. It could result in all these guys fishing away with a false sense of security that the life jacket they are wearing is going to save them.

Its like putting on a motorbike helmet, you can feel your nads grow physically larger as you strap it up.

Edited by mrsswordfisherman
please do not target specific ethnic groups
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I would hate to see more laws about what you can't do and must wear in our free country.

I think with our license money we could get a bit more communication from fisheries. Updates on safety info, reports from various accidents and how they could have been prevented. Fisheries seizures arrests and penalties.

How about fitting a small cross where each person dies rock fishing?

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I know this may sound callous, but here goes; if people are to silly to be out in conditions that they are unable to cope with ( be it in a boat or rock fishing) the prevailing conditions and do not prepare for the worst they let darwins laws of selection improve the gene pool. I'm all in favour of laws and support mechanisms that assist the unlucky but if you are plain stupid then so be it, but please do have some consideration for the people who's lives are at risk during the rescues and the innocent families who suffer in the aftermath. Taking all that into account, RIP and I hope I never hear it was a raider.

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Mandatory life jackets are part of the answer.

A mandatory life jacket is not going to save a guy that's fished/surfed/dived all his life unless he is fishing in conditions that he shouldn't be.

Because everyone who gets swept in doesn't get injured, doesn't go into shock and is able to return to safety without issue, right?

I've been swimming since I could walk and you wouldn't catch me rock fishing without a life jacket.

I would hate to see more laws about what you can't do and must wear in our free country.

When common sense is abundant people won't have to have safety precautions thrust upon them.

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I simply never fish from ledges that have evidence of ever getting wet. There are more than enough spots to fish from that are several meters higher than the sea level. I have no idea why people insist on getting down to where it's slippery, wet and dangerous.

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IMO mandatory life jackets will pass as legislation. Because as previously mentioned, if it saves one life, its done its job. And realistically it will be more than that.

Once it's in and becomes common knowledge and it's the norm that's when it will be most effective.

This will never be about revenue raising considering they'll be giving out subsidies to get the life jackets out there, and some one needs to be hired to go out enforce it.

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Guest Guest123456789

I won't wear a life jacket nor will I go fishing. I'll take up running, think of all the money I'll save on bait and tackle, I'll just have to buy running shoes. Too bad for all those employed as part of the recreational fishing industry.

It's the same with bikes, I never ride mine because of the hassle of wearing helmets, instead I just jump in the car, burn more fossil fuel, get fatter and suck more out of the public health system.

Then again, many life jacket wearing rock fishos will have more of the ocean to themselves!! Lol

Regulation is bloody out of control, did anyone read about the guy who got fined $100 for not locking his car? Now you can't take a photo in a Sydney park without buying a permit from council!!! I've had an absolute gutful, you can't leave your house and do anything without breaking a law, getting a permit or buying safety gear.

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I won't wear a life jacket nor will I go fishing. I'll take up running, think of all the money I'll save on bait and tackle, I'll just have to buy running shoes. Too bad for all those employed as part of the recreational fishing industry.

It's the same with bikes, I never ride mine because of the hassle of wearing helmets, instead ijust jump in the car, burn more fossil fuel, get fatter and suck more out of the public health system.

Then again, many life jacket wearing rock fishos will have more of the ocean to themselves!! Lol

If you had or have a son or daughter in their late teens who wanted to go rock fishing, would you tell them to put a life jacket on?

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