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Poddy mullet rig for flathead


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I decided to try using poddy mullet in narrabeen lake today for flathead. I managed to get lots of them in my trap but wasn't sure what rig to use for them. I took a punt and used a running sinker rig with 2 size 2 ball sinkers and about 50cm of 6lb leader (too light?) with a 1/0 hook. I fished the channel in front of the caravan park and got lots of hits from tailor shredding up the poddies but no flatties. Some guys about 50m down the channel wandered by and told me they got some big flatties on poddies! Can someone shed some light on what leader, sinker and type of rig you would use for poddies for flathead? Cheers

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You will need a small sinker if fishing in a current, but if fishing in shallow water, or in little to no current, a size 0 or 00 ball sinker will be enough. Sometimes the poddies will swim to the surface, whereas the small sinker will keep them closer to the bottom in the strike zone.

10 or 12 pound leader would be better.

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the "bottle trap" works a charm for me, search how to make it on youtube, hope this helps


That works for me too. It's all about how deep you put it. It should sit about 10cm under the surface. No more than that as it won't work. Bread or chook feed inside works fine. Berley up a bit to keep them around.

As for a rig - Something around a 2/0 to 4/0 hook through the tail so they swim slowly but freely. 50cm trace of 10-12lb fluro to a swivel and smallish sinker. Just enough to take it down to were it will be in their face.

Hope this helps!

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You will need a small sinker if fishing in a current, but if fishing in shallow water, or in little to no current, a size 0 or 00 ball sinker will be enough. Sometimes the poddies will swim to the surface, whereas the small sinker will keep them closer to the bottom in the strike zone.

10 or 12 pound leader would be better.

That is a very light sinker. Would the mullet be able to lift that off the bottom and create a tangle? I'll up my leader to 12lb

What trap do you use I've not been able to find a trap that works well.

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I used a clear bottle trap as well. I cut a cross in a 3L cordial bottle and folded the tabs down and loaded it with bread and sand to keep it on the bottom. I put some of the bread 'overhanging' the hole in the bottle so some of it would waft out gradually and act as burley. As others have said I put it in very shallow water (about halfway to my knees). I had two traps out yesterday about 20m apart. The other was an opaque milk carton. I got all mullet in the clear cordial bottle and heaps of toadies in the milk carton and no mullet. With that said i've only done it once so i'm no expert but I still managed to get them.

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That is a very light sinker. Would the mullet be able to lift that off the bottom and create a tangle? I'll up my leader to 12lb

Have not had a problem with that sinker in shallow water with little current flowing.

If I fish from the shore. I try a very slow retrieve to keep the mullet swimming. That way I cover some area rather than just toss the mullet out and let it swim around in the same area. Flatties are scattered about and usually sit buried in the sand, waiting for a feed to drift past rather than go chasing it.

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Guest Guest123456789

That works for me too. It's all about how deep you put it. It should sit about 10cm under the surface. No more than that as it won't work. Bread or chook feed inside works fine. Berley up a bit to keep them around.

As for a rig - Something around a 2/0 to 4/0 hook through the tail so they swim slowly but freely. 50cm trace of 10-12lb fluro to a swivel and smallish sinker. Just enough to take it down to were it will be in their face.

Hope this helps!

Mate thanks so much for the tips. I all but gave up trapping poddies, went out today and cleaned up. Heaps of poddies and flatties to boot. Duskies 36cm+

My rig was 6lbs braid with size 0 sinker above the swivel. 10lbs fluro with a 50cm leader. Size 2 octopus hook. Was pinning the poddies up under the lip and out through the nose. Bait and wait didn't work, I used a slow retrieve and that worked dynamite.


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Mate thanks so much for the tips. I all but gave up trapping poddies, went out today and cleaned up. Heaps of poddies and flatties to boot. Duskies 36cm+

My rig was 6lbs braid with size 0 sinker above the swivel. 10lbs fluro with a 50cm leader. Size 2 octopus hook. Was pinning the poddies up under the lip and out through the nose. Bait and wait didn't work, I used a slow retrieve and that worked dynamite.

Good stuff. You've made me excited to get out and try again. Do you mind if I ask where you were fishing?

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Guest Guest123456789

Nice catch Luke. Youd have to be happy with that. I'm pretty sure I have never caught a flounder on live poddy.

Thanks mate yeah first flounder I have caught, just ate it very tasty by catch

Good stuff. You've made me excited to get out and try again. Do you mind if I ask where you were fishing?

Thanks mate. I was at wamberal lagoon.
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I am happy to report that i had some success today. The first hit I had i struck too early and i pulled in a dead mullet with rasp marks on his tail. Definitely flathead. Second hit was a GOOD flathead. I decided to let it swallow the bait a bit longer. Too long! It took the mullet and buggered off. Third hit i struck just at the right time and pulled in a plate sized flathead. It wasn't huge but it's always satisfying to catch a fish on a new technique especially when you collect your own bait and start from scratch. Rig was a pea-sized sinker and 12lb fluoro with size 1/0 suicide hook on a running sinker rig.

Thanks everyone for your help.

Next question is has anyone had success rigging a poddy with a circle hook?

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I am happy to report that i had some success today. The first hit I had i struck too early and i pulled in a dead mullet with rasp marks on his tail. Definitely flathead. Second hit was a GOOD flathead. I decided to let it swallow the bait a bit longer. Too long! It took the mullet and buggered off. Third hit i struck just at the right time and pulled in a plate sized flathead. It wasn't huge but it's always satisfying to catch a fish on a new technique especially when you collect your own bait and start from scratch. Rig was a pea-sized sinker and 12lb fluoro with size 1/0 suicide hook on a running sinker rig.

Thanks everyone for your help.

Next question is has anyone had success rigging a poddy with a circle hook?

Never tried a circle hook for flatties. Always use a long shank hook, and I hook the poddie between the 2 dorsal fins. Has worked for me for many years. When I feel the flattie hit, I give it a second or two to chew the poddie, then lift the rod tip, not a hard or sudden strike. Might miss the occasional one, but throw another one in the same area, and sometimes get a second hit by the same fish. Works that way with nippers, the flattie will quite often grab the second nipper and hook up.

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