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Prawning at The Entrance


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It's been a while I was trying to catch prawn in various locations in Brisbane Water but at best I was catching 500gr in 3 hours chasing them as they crawl on the sand flats as the channels are too deep to wade. I never experienced a run.

When I saw @strapo report at The Entrance I asked him if he would mind sharing the spot. Not only did he share it with me but he also suggested I follow him one night which I of course did.

On the first night I met Steve at the meeting point and along with him came few of his mates. At the dark we waded out to the channel and started waiting for the prawns to run out. To my excitement few prawns already started swimming out to the ocean. I've been told they are going out to spawn and die in the ocean, so technically I was going to deny good sex to a few hundreds of them, poor buggers [emoji23]

As the hours went by more prawns were swimming out, king prawns at the surface and school prawns (bigger but translucent so less easy to spot) near the bottom. Those schoolies are tricky to catch as they are fast and jump around when they see your light or feel your net.

Steve was a great teacher, showing me the technique and tips and even sharing with me his catch to motivate me and set the addiction hah. Between the two of us we caught about 4kgs that night.

On the second night I was on my own, the current was stronger and right at the beginning school prawns were in numbers. I really did not know where to look when several of them came pass at once, it was really exciting. As more prawns came out the chatting between prawners decreased, no time for talking lol.

That second night I got maybe 3 kgs and Steve caught around 8kg. On both night the lake was crowded with other prawners, I can't imagine how it will be over Christmas.

Anyway, that was a great experience, my first proper prawning session. My wife was yelling on the phone when I told her how many I was bringing back home. On the first night we cooled a bunch at midnight and have a taste at them, yummy. We have since made several dishes: boiled, beer steamed, stir fry and will soon make some vietnamese dumplings and pan cakes.

Thanks Steve and his mates for sharing their knowledge. It was such a pleasure to have met you guys.












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Thanks Huey. The pleasure was mine. Was great to share with you. There are a few tips I can pass on you listened and worked it out pretty quick.

Equipment also helps having the right gear. We're working on that.

Yes I made sure you got a feed that first night I got McDonald's and it gave me intergestion. Ha.

Second night we all got plenty.

Yes it's going to get really crowded now especially since you drew that little map. That's my spot. Oh well doesn't matter

See ya next week mate. Pizza night.


Cheers Steve

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Great report Mate

I didn't think they'd be out there on the flats but I guess if they're running there's not many other choices!

That's dinner sorted for a while :)

That map on google earth has been taken a while ago, flats and channels must have moved since. We were in the channel.

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Yes I made sure you got a feed that first night I got McDonald's and it gave me intergestion. Ha.

Second night we all got plenty.

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I tested your pain on the second night when I was to hungry to wait until getting home. Nice catch mate

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Steve we will have to get up there to do some prawning asap.

Huy we will give you a yell when we go :)

Did you make those setups Steve? How good are they!!!!!

By the way have they sold Dunleith yet?

An old local called Ray made them. He used make children's toys and was one of our regular group. Unfortunately he passed away last year but his memory still lives on.

Yes come by all means I have plenty of gear lights nets etc. prob the January dark would be best now I can give you some dates if you wish.

Not sure on Dunleith I'll find out.

Cheers Steve

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BIG STEVE!!! you didn't gave me the map when you gave me your tips last time haha but it helps. but i think prawns will be decreasing as it get towards christmas right??

good reports guy!! ill PM you steve if i do head down there ^^, and i'll bring you a 6 pack haha

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BIG STEVE!!! you didn't gave me the map when you gave me your tips last time haha but it helps. but i think prawns will be decreasing as it get towards christmas right??

good reports guy!! ill PM you steve if i do head down there ^^, and i'll bring you a 6 pack haha

Ok on the pm. cheers mate

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Nice read and glad you had a good one! :)

I've just spent the weekend at Mungo Brush, and there were tonnes of guys chasing the prawns. They got heaps! Never seen it done before, so I was absolutely fascinated by the process.

You should give it a go buddy it's a lot of fun and even though it looks like lazy process just standing there waiting for the prawns to pass and scoop them it is actually hard work when the current is strong and you need to hold the net full of prawns still.

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BIG STEVE!!! you didn't gave me the map when you gave me your tips last time haha but it helps. but i think prawns will be decreasing as it get towards christmas right??

lol the map is courtesy Garmin GPSMAP 60CS while we were chasing the buggers. But who needs a map really, just to to the Entrance at dark and find a free spot between the hundred prawners :-D The local council does not need to spend a cent for Christmas light on the lake lol

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