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Hard Apple Cider


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G'day Raiders,

Have bought myself a Keg Master series 4 for xmas and have had a multitude of requests of cider on tap (once the 50L of home brew is gone on xmas day)

Wondering if anyone has a tried and tested recipe and method for hard apple or pear or mixed cider? This will still leave 2 kegs for beer so don't worry. :beersmile:

Any tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated.



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Cider is pretty straight forward, especially if you've been brewing beer.

Make sure you use good juice, no pasteurisation or preservatives. Not the supermarket crap. I go to the farmers markets and buy bottles. Let them know that you want it for cider and check that there's no preservatives.

Add champagne yeast. There'll be a volume suggestion on the pack.

In the past I've used 40% cherry or pomegranate juice, with pretty good results. Again, preservative free. Wholefoods and the like can be a good source.

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