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Parra Sat 1/10


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Hi Guys,

As mentioned earlier, Andy and I hit the Parra early Saturday morning.

We put the tinnie in at Silverwater and headed up to Hen and Chicken Bay.

We stayed mainly around that area as Andy isn't big on River Cats and the wash they make but we did come up with some nice fish. I was using Bass Minnows and Andy soaked some prawns.

The action wasn't blinding but we did come up with a few nice fish in some very pleasant conditions. Other than the bream we got a few flatties but they were very small.

Met the rest of the tribe at the ramp and had lunch which capped of a very nice morning.

Here's his royal highness with one of his bream: :thumbup:


And... a couple I got.... :biggrin2:





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Hi Guys,

Yep, Saturday as indeed a very nice day and you're right, can't ask for more.

Geoff, as bloody always, Andy got the most fish while I tried to perfect my lure techniques.

He won't let me forget it either.... :mad3:

Little bugger, he out does me regularly and never shuts up the whole time we're out... :thumbup::thumbup:

I'm sure I'd catch more fish if I didn't have to answer 3 million questions and listen to him rattle on and on about star wars and playstation games.... :ranting2:

Priceless time with him however... :thumbup:


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I'm sure I'd catch more fish if I didn't have to answer 3 million questions and listen to him rattle on and on about star wars and playstation games.... :ranting2:


............not to mention......"side kicks" :074::074:

Sounds like a top day Motty :thumbup:

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Hey Clutch,

Yeah, he's full of little gems like that.... :074::074:

You should have seen me trying to explain how the sounder worked and how it "knew" there were fish down there.

"Is the little black thing at the back of the boat a camera dad..."

Oh man, I missed at least two really good hits on Bass Minnows while trying to explain about the sounder. :074:

In the end we agreed that the sounder had a computer inside that sent down a "signal" that bounced back and told it was was there. Computers are after all bloody smart things..... :thumbup:

Not sure if I've mentioned this before but Andy is slightly Autistic. He has a syndrom called Aspergas.

He really lacks socially, has terrible fine and gross motor skills, eye problems as well as a few others BUT... he's a sharp as a tack in other ways and remembers things from years ago and just brings them up without warning. If I don't have the same answer now as then... look out :wacko::wacko:

He's very good at school (very good in fact) but in a group of kids or people is completely lost and can't cope. Needless to say he doesn't have any friends his own age which is really tough.

He's a challenge and extremely hard work in many ways but in others is a really good kid. :biggrin2:


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Oh man, I missed at least two really good hits on Bass Minnows while trying to explain about the sounder.  :074:

he's a sharp as a tack and remembers things from years ago and just brings them up without warning. If I don't have the same answer now as then... look out :wacko:  :wacko:

:074:  :074:

He's a challenge and extremely hard work in many ways but in others is a really good kid. :biggrin2:


Motty you sound like a really good Dad :thumbup:

When I finally get to a social Ihope I get to meet Andy :thumbup:

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Great lookin bream and the smile on the little one tells us he had a ball fishing.

Always great to see the little ones with Dad for a days fishing.

Its not just the questions but baiting the hooks and sorting out the tangles

How old is he as my son will sure enough ask me when he sees the post.

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Nice work there....

I took my 4 and 5 years olds out on sunday, and the older one caught a bream....

wasn't he excited we he got home....."mummy mummy...i caught a broom...."

I know what you mean about questions......it's hard trying not to get frustrated with them, but we were once like that too.


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Hi Clutch,

Thanks mate, sometimes I wonder however.... It's hard to know what to do with him sometimes, we're both learning I think....


I wasn't going to mention the baiting of hooks and all that stuff. He struggles with stuff like that cause of his fine motor skills so dad baits the hooks for him. Very sharp hooks and his fingers don't mix at this stage.

He wants to learn how to cast now... which is fine, however I'm expecting some hooks in various parts of my body till he masters it....

He's 8 (9 in December).



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Guest Jocool

Cracking report Dave. I know all about baiting hooks and fixing tangle. I have 3 of my own! :thumbup:

As far as Andy being a bit in the loner stage, I'm sure he will learn to cope and adjust in time. My daughter was a bit of a worry when she was younger given that she may have been left out due to her skin condition. But kids a re a resillient bunch.

I explained to her what her condition meant, and whenever anyone looked at her funny, or asked her what was wrong, she was able to answer and actually make an ordianry situation, good.

I'm sure, with the intelligence that Andy has displayed, it will all come good. :thumbup:

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its nice to see you got some nice fish i never seem to manage catching any fish around there but just intalled a new furuno fish finder and eager to head out on the thewwkend... i've also got to try and get my lilk 8 yr old brother involved some how lol

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its nice to see you got some nice fish i never seem to manage catching any fish around there but just intalled a new furuno fish finder and eager to head out on the thewwkend... i've also got to try and get my lilk 8 yr old brother involved some how lol

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I wasn't going to mention the baiting of hooks and all that stuff. He struggles with stuff like that cause of his fine motor skills so dad baits the hooks for him. Very sharp hooks and his fingers don't mix at this stage.

He wants to learn how to cast now... which is fine, however I'm expecting some hooks in various parts of my body till he masters it....

He's 8 (9 in December).





My boy has just turned 8 on 1 October. He has just started to bait hooks and on Sunday experienced the pointy end of a hook. Casting he can do sort of Ok, sometimes he does not take up the slack and winds the line around the bail, or casts into the rocket launcher. But what are Dads for.

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Yes Geoff I remember that all too well.....

You took me up to Auburn hosptial with a large treble sticking out the top of my arm. :1yikes::1yikes::074:

Hi Joe, yeah, I know what you mean about kids being resillient. I'm sure all of this worries me alot more than it worries Andy. He just thinks everyone else is wrong - not him!! :biggrin2::biggrin2:

Thanks everyone for your nice comments and well wishes.... :biggrin2:

We'll be out on the parra again Saturday week (all being well) so hope to catch up with some of you on the water some time.... :thumbup::thumbup:



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