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Sydney - King Session


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Hi Raiders,

I knew I wouldn't get away early this morning so rather than do any early squidding I bought a couple of fresh Calamari from my local fish shop.

I know these to be fresh and never frozen so they are my next best option to live squid.

I then stopped at my favourite bait spot picking up a dozen or so yakkas of mixed size. I couldn't believe how quickly I got the dozen yakkas... burley once and

then the bites were immediate and I pretty much caught 12 in as many minutes.

Armed with these and my fresh dead squid I headed out the harbour and down South and drifted around just after dawn.

There were a couple of other boats there at the time although an hour later and there were 10 boats including a couple of commercial fishermen.

The water temperature was 20.9 degrees and I was getting marks like below which looked encouraging.


I dropped a live yakka over the side at set it at around 10 meters ( in the middle of the marks on the sounder) and then picked up my new Gomoko/Stella outfit ( broke the last one by being carless) which I had rigged with a white 7inch jerkshad. Well no sooner had I cast it out and the live yakka went off.

I put the Gomoku down and picked up the other rod and sure enough just as I did a King took the jerkshad on the drop as they so often do.

So then I had a double hookup and I had to make a decision which one was first to deal with.

The yakka was on the heavier rig so I played that fish to the boat quickly so he was still pretty feisty so , at the last minute it went balistic and wrapped itself around the Gomoku line about 140 times!

I got both fish in but the tangle of braid was a mess. I am sure all fishermen know the panic when you are on a good bite and you need to rerig... it seems to take an eternity and you have expect they will go off the bite by the time you are ready again.

Anyway This is what the two kings looked like. The one on the SP was pretty small, say 55 cm



OK... I thought... this looks like it might be a one rod at a time kind of sesson!

I cut and re rigged the livie first but for the next hour I didnt get back to rigging the Gomoku because very time I dropped in a new bait it was smashed by another almost but not quite legal Kingie,

I was running out of Yakkas so I used squid strips which were hit even faster and harder.

I stopped counting at 20 fish. This was terrific fun even if they were undersized but after a while I stopped re-rigging the yakka rod and switched to the Gomoku for a little better sport.

I reckon I caught another 20 or so on various SP's and again that was great fun on the lighter tackle. That was the first time that rod has been used it performed well although after an hour of this my dickie shoulder was beginning to protest!

Some of the SP' were taken at the surface and some were taken at depth and some were taken very close to the boat. I could see each hooked fish being closely followed by half a dozen other fish... they really were in plague proportions.

The action slowed a little around 10:00 so I did start fishing with a weighted squid strip again while flicking out a few SP's. No more double hookups but lots of fun watching the follows and takes on the SP's.

I downrigged a yakka and motored around for a while hoping for a larger specimin but no luck there... not that I minded it was great entertainment.

I have attached a video form the start of the session. It shows perhaps 5 fish in 15 minutes.


I can't say how many fish I caught today ... it would have to be near 50 and none of them were legal but it was a whote lot of fun espcially the soft plastics.

Good luck with the larger specimins on the weekends boys and girls!



Edited by fragmeister
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Mate, what an awesome session! Never had a hot bite like that ever. Do you reckon if you got a heavy metal jig below the school that there may have been a few legals around? Hopefuly the fish hang around until I can find some time to get out.


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That is absolutely insane! What was the line weighting on both rods?

The live bait rod is a Diawa Saltist with a Shimano Saragosa Its spooled with 24kg braid and a 100lb flouro leader

This is my heavyweight rig - I am hoping its going to stop that meter plus king (if one ever comes along that is!)

The Gomuku is coupled with a Stella which is spooled with 12kg braid and on this occasion a 4kg leader.



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Mate, what an awesome session! Never had a hot bite like that ever. Do you reckon if you got a heavy metal jig below the school that there may have been a few legals around? Hopefuly the fish hang around until I can find some time to get out.


In retrospect I should have tried a few more options because some larger fish did show up from time to time to time on the sounder.

I did occur to me that a large live squid or two would have given me a better chance of a keeper but with so many rats around I am not so sure of that either.


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The live bait rod is a Saltiga with a Shimano Saragosa Its spooled with 24kg braid and a 100lb flouro leader

This is my heavyweight rig - I am hoping its going to stop that meter plus king (if one ever comes along that is!)

The Gomuku is coupled with a Stella which is spooled with 12kg braid and on this occasion a 4kg leader.



Cheers mate. Do you think you would've been able to handle the rats on something lighter? I've got a heavier set-up (30 lb braid main and 50 lb fluoro lead) for Kings, but I'm wondering if my lighter rod (just 8 lb mono main) could ever take the smaller rats.

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Cheers mate. Do you think you would've been able to handle the rats on something lighter? I've got a heavier set-up (30 lb braid main and 50 lb fluoro lead) for Kings, but I'm wondering if my lighter rod (just 8 lb mono main) could ever take the smaller rats.

On the heavy rig I wouldn't change it because I don't want to lose the metre plus kings that comes along.

On the Gomoku, I was fishing a 4kg leader which is close the the breaking strain of your mono.

So the answer is, yes but I wouldnt fancy your chances off the rocks.



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Brilliant mate. I have had a few rat sessions like that in enzed, typically jigging. So much fun even when catching the smaller models. Damn i love jigging for kings!

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Yes ... a lot of fun but I was shattered the next day!

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