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Bate Bay again


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Fished off Jibbon Point early this morning. Trolled a pillie about for the salmon, but that was all.

Headed out further to the flattie drift. No wind for a few hours, but the current was roaring to the south. Difficult to hold bottom with a 6 ounce snapper lead unless I had out a lot of line.

It was mostly drop over and hook a fish almost straight away or let out a lot of line to hold bottom. Just about every drop was a small spiky flattie. The blue spots were rather scattered. Released one undersize but it was just about all small spiky flatties.

While I was drifting along, a small mako shark about 4 foot long swam up to the boat, could almost touch him. Did not have the gear for him, and anyway, don't need a mad mako inside a small tinny.


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Well done mate, nice feed there.

Whats the story with those 'spiky flatties'? I pulled a few up last time I was out, covered in spines (mainly all over and around the head), I had never seen them before.

Chucked them back cause I didnt know what the deal was with them.

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Nice report! Always happy with a good feed of flatties :)

How deep was it where you picked up the flatties? did you have the pilly on a float or just unweighted?

Water might be around 30 metres deep, Drift along and you need a snapper sinker to get to the bottom.

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Well done mate, nice feed there.

Whats the story with those 'spiky flatties'? I pulled a few up last time I was out, covered in spines (mainly all over and around the head), I had never seen them before.

Chucked them back cause I didnt know what the deal was with them.

They are usually called Spiky flathead because of the long spike on each side of the head. The dorsal fins have a bit of poison in them as well, if you get spiked in the fingers. The head spikes can penetrate the fingers a long way for such a small flathead. They are Long Spined Flathead.

They don't grow much over 30 cms, no legal size, and can be a pest at times as they will hammer the baits as soon as they hit bottom.

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" A Mad Mako inside a small tinny" LOL

Would like to see a video of that!

That won't be happening. The small whalers and hammerheads I have landed turn very agro, so I won't be trying it with a mako.

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