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Stuart's Point 2016


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Hi all, we are off in the morning for our yearly week at Stuart's Point to camp and fish. This is just north of South West Rocks on an arm of the Macleay River. I still can't convince my wife to try lures so this year will likely again be plastics vs prawns targeting the local Estuary Duskys. I'll post a picture of the campsite once we are set up and daily updates for anyone who is interested.

Happy new year to all and I hope you all enjoy some active fishing over Summer.

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Thanks for the words of support. Here is the campsite set up, boat is in the water ready to head out tomorrow. The chat is that the fishing is a bit slow but there are quite a few Whiting about. We'll see how we go.


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Pretty slow this morning. We had a relaxed start and an early finish as the rain started to set in. The next two days are not looking too good either. Best fish today was a 27 cm Whiting followed by a 35 cm Flathead. Plus this very ambitious flathead which went a whopping 15 cm and was only just longer than the prawn he hit.


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The weather wasn't as bad as forecast today, we were out and about this morning but managed a short session after lunch. Picked up a 55 cm Longtom and a 44 cm Flathead.


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We're lucky enough to be north of the nasty weather, and although today was overcast and wet, it was just persistent drizzle. We put a crap pot down for the first time yesterday, with our single Whiting frame as bait. When we picked it up this morning it had a baby Mud crab in it, so at least we know they are about. We freshened it up with yesterday's Flathead frame and put it back until tomorrow.

Today we spent a couple of hours drifting along the oyster leases south of Fisherman's Reach and picked up three solid Whiting on prawns. A good feed and the frames will go into the crab trap tomorrow.

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Another good day, partly cloudy and light breeze, picking up in the afternoon, so we spent the morning drifting the river. The Whiting seemed to be off the bite today, but we did pick up a nice Flounder and a Bream. Lots of little picker Bream amongst them though.

Sorry everyone in Sydney has had a such terrible weather, hope it improves tomorrow. As you can see we have missed all the nasty stuff.


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Well today was a donut unfortunately. It was warm and mostly sunny today, but a fresh southerly blew all day making drifting almost impossible. We tried a few spots, mostly anchoring and berleying, but couldn't coax anything except small Bream and a tiny Flounder and Flathead onto the hook. All the water that fell Tuesday afternoon and overnight hasn't helped, I'm sure. Since then it's been fairly brown, looking a bit like a tea tree lake.

The weather is looking good for our last day tomorrow, and happily the wind is forecast to drop, so hopefully we'll pick up something.

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The forecast was pretty much bang on today, light southerly breeze, partly cloudy. Fishing was still fairly quiet, due to the prior rain I expect. We picked up one 44 cm Dusky but nothing else apart from baby Bream. At least I did catch my first fish (Bream) on a hard body.

No luck with the mud crabs, but we now know a few places to try next time - this was the first year we tried chasing them, so good experience. All in all a lovely week and glad to have missed the wet weather at home.

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