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PB Narra Lakes Flattie


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G'day Raiders,

First report in a while as I haven't had any success as of late lol. Got the opportunity to go out on a mates boat with my grandad and boy did we have some success. The best start to a day's fishing I've ever had, 3rd cast in and I hook up to a decent flattie on the sp's, a few minutes later we finally see the fish and God almighty we got a surprise it was a big lizard, and as soon as he saw the boat he was off, the reel was screaming and he took a bit more line out, got him to the boat again, same thing happened, this repeated a few more times until finally we managed to net the beast, and just when we brought him into the boat he fell of of the net and almost back on the water. We measured him up and he was 74cm and a definite PB for me, my previous biggest being only 48cm lol. I was lucky to have landed the big boy in the lakes as I was using a 2-6kg daiwa black gen with a 1500 Daiwa Freams with 6lb braid and 6lb leader. Was the greatest fight so far of my life and the adrenaline was insane! I could barely stand I was shaking so much because I was nervous I would lose the fish! So happy to have landed him! Through out the day my grandad got 3 more flathead ranging between 39-49cm and a few small bream and barely legal whiting between us.

Was a fantastic day out on Narrabeen Lakes and one of our best fishing says to date.


Jacob c1eb75681b32a637d02e6d399140e705.jpg7b5db2de8a9cde7ecf22410c384f034c.jpg

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That is a cracker well done. I took my 2 boys to Narrabean Lakes yesterday - had a great time grabbing numerous 20cm Breams and the usual fair. However fishing with 4lbn leader was the reason I lost my potential PB at the bank yesterday - was very close to this size. Was guttered nontheless. Reason for staying this was to confirm that Narrabean is fishing really well. Ive been going to Narrabean for years and yesterday was our best outing with my 2 young boys. Landbased only, no boat :(

Edited by marcs
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